
C. S. Lewis Till We Have Faces

Decent Essays

Rooted deep in many of the works of C.S. Lewis are themes of Christianity and the relationship between man and the spiritual world. His last novel, written in the mid 1950s, Till We Have Faces, is one of the most intellectual works of C.S. Lewis. Considered by Lewis as his best work, it is a retelling of the classical mythical story of Cupid and Psyche from the perspective of Orual, the older sister of Psyche. Masterfully written, Lewis prompts the reader to identify with Orual and view her as the victim. Lewis then shows the faults of Orual and in the process reveals our own faults and those of society. As an upcoming freshman, I believe that college students would profit from Till We Have Faces, because it opens the readers eyes to the spiritual …show more content…

The hardest idea to grasp is that God would allow evil to happen to those he loves. The human race is small compared to God, it is impossible to grasp the immensity of His eternal plan. Orual realizes this finally at the end of her life. I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice? Only words, words; to be led out to battle against other words” (Till we Have Faces; book 2, chapter 4). The story Till We Have Faces reveals how our selfishness not only damages our relationships with others and our ability to love, it inhibits us to see God’s saving love and his eternal plan. Recognition of and the ability to display the virtues of true love is essential, especially in this day and age. By reading Till We Have Faces, college students will obtain these virtues and the ability to recognize the love of God and his plan for mankind. In a society such as the one we live in today, love has become distorted. No longer portrayed as something holy and pure, love has come to be viewed as lustful, selfish and greedy. Till We Have Faces illustrates this spiritual struggle over love present in the world and in every person, leading to maturity in virtue and in

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