1. Sarah and Angelina Grimke grew up in South Carolina on a slave plantation, and as they got older rejected the southern lifestyle and moved up north to advocate for the abolitionist movement and women’s rights.
2. The Nullification Crisis occurred in 1828 after The Tariff of Abominations put a tariff on imported goods; South Carolina threatened to secede from the Union. The tariff benefited the north but hurt the south.
3. The nullification crisis of 1832 was resolved by a proclamation from then President Andrew Jackson to the state of South Carolina denying them the right to nullify a standing federal law.
4. The Cotton Gin was the first machine that separated the actual cotton from the cotton seeds of the plant. Cotton
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The raid at Harper’s Ferry wss to free the slaves and it was led by John Brown.
25. When the war began – The North was focused on Industrialization, The South was focused on agriculture, and they also had stronger military leaders.
26. a – Ulysses S. Grant was the leading general of the U.S Army, forced lee to surrender at Appomattox. Battles fought were Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and Appomattox Courthouse.
b. Stonewall Jackson – Earned his nickname at the Battle of Bull Run because of his refusal to back down against the Union Army c. Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was the sixteenth president of the United States, Lincoln declared South Carolina 's secession illegal and pledged to go to war to protect the federal union in 1861. d. Jefferson Davis - Jefferson Davis was an American politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America for its entire history during the Civil War. e. Robert E. Lee – Commander of the Confederate Army. Battles fought were Antietam, Gettysburg, and Appomattox Courthouse. f. William Sherman - He was a Union army officer who captured Atlanta, Georgia on his famous March to the Sea. This marked a turning point in the war. 27. Habeas Corpus is the right for an individual not to be held in jail for more than 48 hours w/o a formal charge. Lincoln suspended this right during the war to lock up people who
The Nullification Crisis of November 1832 was triggered by a disagreement among South Carolina and The United States. The dispute derived from the Tariff of 1828, which was created during John Quincy Adams presidency, which designed to protect the industries in the northern United States, however the tariff was unfavorable among southern states and parts of New England because it did not benefit their economy. In 1832 a new tariff was created by Andrew Jackson’s administration to lower the previous Tariff of 1828, however South Carolina disapproved of this, because of this they decided to nullify the tariff. John Calhoun of South Carolina, and vice president to Jackson also believed in the nullification of the tariffs. Jackson expressed to
fought on American land, The Civil War. General Robert E. Lee turned over his army to
The Nullification controversy was a tax that was placed on exports in 1828. South Carolina opposed a tax because they thought it hurt their economies. The tax then hurt the British when they bought things, such as cotton, from the southern states. South Carolina came up with the nullification, they thought any state should be able to nullify or ignore any law within its border.
Robert E. Lee served as the commanding general for the Battles of Anteitem,Fredericksburg,Chancellellorsville,Gettysburg and Appomattox Court House.
Hiram Ulysses Grant led the whole union army to victory in the American Civil War. On April 16, 1863 Grant went and meet the Union troops who had marched south down from the west side of the Mississippi River, and led them to Bruins burg they have captured Jackson.
The Commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia was General Robert E. Lee. General Lee graduated second in his class from West Point in 1829 and served throughout the country, but is best known for his leadership during the Mexican-American War. General Lee believed in unity but when the state of Virginia decided to secede from the Union in April 1861, Lee decided to stay with Virginia. Confederate president Jefferson Davis asked Lee to serve as his senior military adviser and General Lee took command of the Army of Northern Virginia on June 1, 1862.
The Nullification Crisis was significant. The Nullification Crisis started in 1828 when the Congress passed a very high tariff on manufactured goods from Europe. The Southerners started protesting against tariffs and called to secede from the United States. Since anger of tariffs continued to build in the South, the Congress passed a new, lower tariff in 1832, hoping that the protest in the South would die down. However, the South Carolina legislature passed the Nullification act, an act refusing to pay the “illegal” tariffs of 1828 and 1832. If the federal government interfered then the South will continue calling for secession and the union will split apart. The significance of the Nullification Crisis was that it caused President Jackson
The Nullification Crisis was a sectional crisis in 1832–33, which involved a defiance between the federal government and South Carolina . The crisis came to head after South Carolina declaration that the federal Tariff of 1828 and the tariff increase of 1832 were unconstitutional; therefore South Carolina nullified the law and void within the sovereign boundaries of the state besideds trying to convince the other southern states to support its position.
The Nullification Crisis arose after the Tariff of 1828 was passed. It raised taxes on imported goods. South Carolina argued their right to nullify; their legislature justified this right in John C. Calhoun's Exposition and Protest, which used arguments from the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions.
The battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia was fought from April 30 through May 6, 1863. It was fought between the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia commanded by General Robert E. Lee, and the Federal Army of the Potomac commanded by Major General Joseph Hooker. The intent of this battle was for Major General Hooker’s Union force to cross the Rappahannock River west of Chancellorsville in order to gain control of the Virginia Central and Fredericksburg rail lines; these rail lines were essential to the Army of Northern Virginia because they were the main supply lines to Richmond, the capitol of the Confederate states. The Union knew that by gaining the supply line to Richmond and defeating General Lee, was crucial because this would cause the Confederate strategic center of gravity to fall, essentially leading to an end of the Civil War. However, the Army of the Potomac lost the battle of Chancellorsville against General Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia, and the Civil War raged on. The battle of Chancellorsville is generally viewed as General Robert E. Lee’s greatest victory of the Civil War. General Lee expertly demonstrated mission command by leading his troops into an unlikely battle, understanding the battle, visualizing, and directing his troops in a victory for the Confederacy.
The impact of a state’s right to nullification can ultimately cause a great deal of damage to the country that it resides in. To describe the impacts one would need to take a look back into history when the Nullification Crisis took place. South Carolina had economic hard times after the war of 1812. Cotton prices started to drop and South Carolina was in a state of depression. Southerners however tend to blame their economic woes on the policies of the national government. (Goode
The Nullification Crisis displayed the attempt of the citizen’s to achieve the securing of the blessings of liberty, yet the citizen’s attempt failed. In 1819, Andrew Jackson was elected as President of the United States.
Abraham Lincoln - Abraham LIncoln was the president of the United States. He was for the union. He really wanted to preserve the union keep us together as a country but he was anti-slavery. He didn't want slaves to live in captivity, he wanted them free. Lincoln was anti-slavery so the southern states didn't like him. this dislike started the civil
The Nullification crisis was a very dangerous point in time in America. Anytime in history when there was a revolt caused chaos throughout the nation. In 1832, the many tariffs hurt the state of South Carolina. Because of the disruption throughout the state, a convention was called to solve the problem. “It took three major steps: It declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within South Carolina.” They also warned that they may succeed from the union because of the unfair tariffs. At this point, a way to prevent war was necessary and at the top of everyone’s list. Tension was building when finally, Senator Clay of Kentucky came up with a compromise to appease everyone. The government would gradually reduce the impact of the Tariff.
In 1787, the creation of the U.S. Constitution would grant the national government dominance over the states. However, the southerners still felt that they should be able determine whether or not they accepted certain acts, and the idea of nullification was proposed. John C. Calhoun was first to present the states right to nullify, or ignore federal laws in which they disagreed, in his doctrine.[6] Things seemed to have remained calm until the commencement of Lincoln’s presidency when nullification was no longer allowed.