
Cabeza De Vaca Relationship

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There Is No Life Without a Heart In Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca’s “The Relation”, he begins the work by placing all sense of glory and success upon that of Emperor Charles V. This is customary during this time period, but the underlying exaggeration of Charles V’s magnificence show the disconnect that Cabeza de Vaca possessed when pertaining to old world ways of life. It in essence solidifies his self-centered persona that he was said to posses (43). It also magnifies the feeling Cabeza de Vaca has towards the societal norms, and suggests that he would later on consider himself a renegade. It is here that the question is raised, did Cabeza de Vaca essentially abandon his monarch and country during his journey with the Native American tribes? On the surface, Cabeza de Vaca persistently tries to confirm his allegiance to his monarch throughout his writings. He wants to be viewed as a worthy and patriotically sound individual by his monarch and society. Cabeza de Vaca strives to showcase how even though his journeys are immensely more rugged than that of his counterparts he can still have success and achieve his goal (44). He is ultimately trying to show how he is furthering the social and cultural domestication of Native American tribes, and therefore; furthering the reaches of the crown. For example, following several stints of hard labor Cabeza de Vaca finds himself bleeding from the objects he has been transporting during his tasks. Cabeza de Vaca the states, “My only solace

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