
Cahokia Civilization

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Cahokia is an ancient city established around c. 700-1500. It was a city built along the entire Mississippi River. It was a major city with 20,000-30,000 people and was a major trade center. It had a social structure set up by royalty, a Theocracy. Mesa Verde on the other hand was inhabited by the Anasazi in c.1100-1300. It was built mostly under cliffs and housed thousands. They were both similar in the time periods they inhabited and both had over thousands of people. Both planted corn but the Anasazi planted the three sister crops together while the people of Cahokia main crop was corn. Both societies had taken notice of the ancient supernova of 1054. This let scientist know that both civilization inhabited around such period. Also, showed …show more content…

This decsion to be built in the cliffs was theorized to protect them from other enemy tribes and attacks from such tribes. The people of Cahokia believed in a cult-like religion, it linked the church and state together. While the Anasazi believed in working together and that each person should have a role that they played out. A sense of a community compared to the people of Cahokia. The people of Cahokia introduced a ball game named chunkey and would eventually be replaced by stickball. The people of Cahokia dispersed to all direction and descendants scattered all over the continent. This was largely due to over exhaustion of the soil which lead to no crops being able to grow. Also, flooding was caused by areas of timber being cleared out and could have affected housing and crops as well. Lastly, long periods of deadly warfare were a major factor in the downfall of Cahokia. The ancient city of Mesa Verde downfall was mostly attributed to the over exhaustion of soil and lack of rainfall. This later lead to a drought and made the people conform to small groups to survive. Like the people of Cahokia, the people of Mesa Verde never fully vanished but spread throughout the

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