
California Songs

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After having a long day of school,work, people, and even life, having a break to calm down listen to some good music can really energize a person. Maybe even that one song can help finish that last problem of math homework or that last rep in your workout. These things usually happen when someone has a good song is playing. These good songs can vary, but usually share some similarities.
Something good songs gave in common is that they have their title in the song. This similarity can be found in Hotel California by Eagles. This song is great for many reasons, but it’s “Welcome to the Hotel California” is something that’s easy to remember and recognize. The story and it’s chorus tie into the title as well; which is done in many different songs …show more content…

For example Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd, is widely known because of it’s numerous appearances in TV shows, movies, games, etc. it’s also been passed down have passed their love for the song. Another great example is Lose Yourself by Eminem. This song is incredibly popular because of the movie 8 Mile and also because Eminem is one of the most famous rappers of all time. This song gives people a look at how hard his life was, but it inspires people to go the extra mile because he went from nothing to something. A final example is Hurt by Johnny Cash. This song was originally by Nine Inch Nails but in 2002 Johnny Cash did a cover and it was incredibly popular. This is because the song fits better to his style and his story. He pours all of his soul and his sadness and regret into this final song, touching the hearts of millions of people as well.
There will be more struggles in life as well as more music to comfort those struggles in the future. Good music still seems to follow these similarities of having their title in them, as well as being well known, and are still usually older. No matter what a song contains or how different it changes and morphs into something new. The good one will have commonalities one way or

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