
Calorimetry Lab Report

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Experiment One
1. Turn on the electrically heated sand bath and allow for sand to begin heating
2. Place 50 milligrams (mg) of Benzoic Acid into a 10 X 100-millimeter (mm) reaction tube
3. Using a Pasteur pipette, add 1.0 milliliter (mL) of hot water drop-by-drop into the reaction tube to reach complete solubility of the solute
4. Place the reaction tube into an electrically heated sand bath and observe the tube until the liquid inside starts to boil and the benzoic acid has saturated fully
5. Remove the reaction tube from the heated sand bath and remove the wood applicator stick from the liquid
6. If impurities are present, add a small amount of Pelletized Norit to the solution and allow to boil for a few minutes, then add activated charcoal to absorb impurities.
7. …show more content…

Allow for the reaction tube to cool to room temperature (22°C), then cool further in ice
8. Using the Pasteur pipette, filter out water as much as possible from the tube
9. Add a few drops of cold ethanol into the tube to separate the crystals from water and allow the water to be removed.
10. Connect a water aspirator onto the reaction tube and place the tube in a beaker of boiling water for a few minutes to allow for water to evaporate out
11. Scrape crystals off the tube and onto filter paper using a spatula
12. Using the filter paper, dry off excess water from crystals and then allow for crystals to completely dry off
13. Weigh the dry crystals and record the calculated percentage (%) of recovered purified solute.

Experiment Two
1. In reaction tube #1, Recrystallize 50 milligrams of Benzoic Acid from water by repeating experiment one.
2. In reaction tube #2, Add 50 milligrams (mg) of Benzoic Acid into the tube and add the minimum amount needed of hot Methanol to completely dissolve the solid substance
3. Add hot water to the solution in a drop-wise manner, shaking after each addition of water, until solution becomes saturated and the recrystallization process has begun to

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