Camp Med Essay I have aspired to be in the medical field for as long as I can remember. At the beginning of every school year the teachers would inquire each student to share what role we wanted to pursue when we grow up, my answer was always the same: a nurse. I am very goal oriented, and I am aware to accomplish anything you must work for it and put in one hundred percent. Mistakes can be critical, but they remain a huge part of the learning experience and advancing. How one handles those mistakes are ultimately what makes or breaks you. When I first caught wind of the Clinical Care program at C-TEC I knew right away that this would be a great opportunity for me to get a head start in my career. Once I received my acceptance letter
My commitment to volunteerism is important to me. I am not apart of Kiwanis, however, I am still involved throughout school and church. I am in 5 clubs, which include the Associated Student Body (ASB), Med Club, Kind Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), and Chelan Project. Meanwhile at church, I help with worship band, tech support and children's ministries. Volunteerism is the chance to be a leader and show the type of person you are.
Rochester's Pre-College Programs will help make me better because the Mini Medical School would further my knowledge of medical careers. As a current high school junior I have explored multiple careers, but I came to a conclusion last year that I would like to be a pediatrician. Last year I participated in the STEP program at the University of Rochester to decide if a medical career was a good fit for me. STEP opened my eyes to all the qualifications needed for my choice career, and taught me how to work with others on medical subjects. As well as present to large groups of people, and working with others. I really enjoyed my summer at the STEP program, and received a scholarship into the Mini Medical School program. Even though I received
The tasks of a nurse fascinates me; I have had several opportunities to observe nurses in hospitals and I find their work intriguing. I have always been interested in the health field and performing the jobs of a medical professional. Ever since the age of twelve, I have known I wanted to attend a university and pursue a career in the health field. I have always had an interest in my science courses, specifically biology and chemistry and have excelled in these areas. I want to be able to receive the best education possible and make my parents and community proud. I wish to do more for my community than just being a typical nurse and I will be able to do more by becoming a nurse practitioner.
Having a career is important to me and I will try my best to become whatever I want to be. In this following essay, I will explain how I plan on achieving my goal and aspiration of becoming a sports medicine physician. My career choice is to be a sports medicine physician. I chose this career because it offers everything I like into one job. This job has science, medicine and sports. I’ve always been athletic and loved sports and I’ve always had a passion for science. Sports medicine physician gives me the opportunity to help athletes get better and become the best that they can be. I also chose this job because I feel that it will be exciting with a new challenge every day.
Vacation is a period of recreation, one spent away from home. My family and I take our vacations in the summer when school ends because I do not like missing work that I will have to make up in school. I adore ending school in June and then contemplating where I am going to spend my summer vacation. Every year, my parents take my siblings and I to Disney World in Florida, but this year we decided to travel somewhere divergent. We all decided to stay in Florida and go to a captivating area called Port Saint Lucie. We stayed at a location called Club Med, which includes a resort and many activities for people of all ages to do like volleyball, tennis; you name it. Club Med was a magnificent experience for my family since we all appreciate outdoor
I have always wanted to be a nurse: I do not think there is any task that is as satisfying as treating a patient physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. I first pursued my LPN, and immediately I knew I had chosen the right career path. Every day, no matter how tired and weary I felt at the end of the day, I was invigorated by the sense that I had made a positive change in the lives of my patients. To build upon my capabilities to help others, I then pursued my RN. I am currently in an RN-BSN program and hope to begin a graduate program subsequently to become a family nurse practitioner.
As a child growing up, all I wanted to be was a medical Doctor or a Nurse practitioner, I usaully visualize myself with the white lab coat and stethoscope around my neck, and whenever I visited the hospital with my Dad who was a medical practitioner at that time, I never wanted to go back home. Even though I was young and did not know the scope of practice of the profession, I was very sure that I was going to be a doctor or a nurse when I become an adult. Actually, it was all about the uniform and the medical equipment that really intrigued me as a child.
The career path I have chosen to take is in the medical field. My dream from a young age was always to be a nurse. A nurse is a healthcare professional who is focused on caring for people, and making sure that they manage, maintain, and recover patients to the finest state of health (What is Nursing, par.1). Nursing makes up a vast majority of the healthcare industry. There is a huge range of nursing specialties. Nurses work in General and surgical Hospitals, doctor’s offices, nursing care facilities, outpatient facilities, and home health services (Why Be a Nurse, par. 2). Nursing is an extremely flexible career, with one hundred and four specialties and a lot of advanced nursing degrees, so there is something for everyone in this field (Why Be a Nurse, par. 4). Nurses do much more than just help people heal physically. Nurses are there to make sure patients are taken care of physically and emotionally. There are different levels of
Ever since I went to the hospital in fourth grade, I knew I wanted to have a career in the medical field. After highschool, I plan to go to college and then pursue my job in the healthcare world. My goal is to be successful doing the job that I love. To achieve my goal, I have good people skills and like working with others, and I have done a lot of group work, which will help me in the future. Getting into a group called Club Scrub, a learning experience about different medical careers located at the Monroe Hospital, will also help be choose which specific medical career I want.
At the end of the day, I want to achieve my goal in becoming an anesthesiologist assistance. I understand that there will be bumps and hardships along the road there, but I am ambitious about my goal and I will try my best. I rather know that I have try and not give up my dream than regretting it later in life. Like people always says, if you fail try and try again until you succeed. I understand that part of life is about failing, I have to pick myself up and move forward and
Throughout life people dream of doing something that is amazing, and my goal is to do just that. Ever since I was a kid, I knew that I wanted to assist others and make an impact on people's lives in a positive way. Knowing this, I have always wanted to be a pediatric nurse to better the lives of children in need.
My main goal was to take care of my grandparents, but I have also gotten the opportunity to work at a summer camp teaching English. The camp experience allowed me to work with different types of people and develop my people skills, something that I believe is very important for a job in the medical field. I was really forced to step out my comfort zone and grow so that I may go out and teach these kids. Even though working as camp counselor does not have direct correlation with my future goals, it was still an opportunity for me to develop my people skills which is something that I believe is very useful in the future no matter what field I end up
I've only wanted to practice medicine since my junior year of highschool. Nonetheless, I had everything planned out; graduate, go to a big university, go to med school and work in a hospital. I wanted to be able to help a 77 year old's heart keep pumping blood even after it failed. I wanted to be able to diagnose and cure anything
On many occasions my personal goals have come before my professional aspirations. A career in the medical field has always been something I have looked forward to. As a child I wanted and dreamed of being a doctor, however due to the choices I made in life and the priorities that I had not thought of, I have come to realize that my childhood dream may not come true. Yet, I was able to compromise and make short and long term goals that will lead me into a career in the medical field. My long term goal is to enter the medical field world and be a respected contributor to it. I want to be able to help others in the time of need. In
My sights have changed as I have gotten older. I no longer want to become a medical doctor. I may in the far future decide to become a doctor but I would rather be a registered nurse because they deal with the patients more. I also prefer working with pediatric or gereatric patients. Whatever way that I decide to go I will always be helping someone, somewhere.