
Camping For My Evergreen Campground With All My Friends

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Camping I like to go to my Evergreen campground with all my friends. I like to hang out with Shana, Tanner, Logan, my brother Landon, and the parents. When I get to go to my camper I get to do anything I want I can swim, go up front to the store and a lot more. When my family and I finally got unpacked I wanted to go swimming. I asked my parents if I could go swimming they told me I could. I told my parents “I am going to ask some friends if they can come swimming with us.” “OK.” My dad replied So my brother and I got on our bikes and biked off to get our friends. We stopped at Shana and Tanner’s camper first because they were the closest to us. Shana and Tanner are brother and sister. We walked up to their porch and knocked. When Shana and Tanner came out I asked them “do you guys want to go swimming at the beach?” Shana replied back “I will ask my parents.” She ran back inside. A few seconds later she came out and told Landon and I that she and Tanner could go swimming with us. I told them we were going to get Zak and Logan. We said our goodbyes and then Landon and I went to get Zak and Logan. After we got those two to come swimming with us. My brother and I went back to our camper to get ready. My brother and I are back at our camper and we had to get our swim trunks on. When got are trunks on we had to get sunscreen on ourselves. My dad sprayed me and I whispered “cold cold cold.” When my dad was done spraying me he got my brother and sprayed him down. My parents

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