Camping I like to go to my Evergreen campground with all my friends. I like to hang out with Shana, Tanner, Logan, my brother Landon, and the parents. When I get to go to my camper I get to do anything I want I can swim, go up front to the store and a lot more. When my family and I finally got unpacked I wanted to go swimming. I asked my parents if I could go swimming they told me I could. I told my parents “I am going to ask some friends if they can come swimming with us.” “OK.” My dad replied So my brother and I got on our bikes and biked off to get our friends. We stopped at Shana and Tanner’s camper first because they were the closest to us. Shana and Tanner are brother and sister. We walked up to their porch and knocked. When Shana and Tanner came out I asked them “do you guys want to go swimming at the beach?” Shana replied back “I will ask my parents.” She ran back inside. A few seconds later she came out and told Landon and I that she and Tanner could go swimming with us. I told them we were going to get Zak and Logan. We said our goodbyes and then Landon and I went to get Zak and Logan. After we got those two to come swimming with us. My brother and I went back to our camper to get ready. My brother and I are back at our camper and we had to get our swim trunks on. When got are trunks on we had to get sunscreen on ourselves. My dad sprayed me and I whispered “cold cold cold.” When my dad was done spraying me he got my brother and sprayed him down. My parents
Go to the river and hang out with my friends, but I’m really family oriented.
So one of the best thing I have ever gotten to do is go to Six Flags. The one I got to go to is in Van Texas. It is a crazy amusement park that has the third fastest roller coaster in the country.I got to go with some people too. Me Anne Mae, Jack, Jonathan, Mason, Alison, Olle, Davis, and my mom. It is a very cool amusement park. My favorite part was the Mr. Freeze ride. Jonathan said, “Mr. Freeze was his favorite too”.
Ambitions can be defined as “a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.” Yet this definition does not go into specifics of how one may work to achieve their ambitions. Ambitions can give an individual a guideline as to what they wish to achieve in their lives such as a grade they wish to obtain or a certain task they wish to master. Though the definition specifies hard work is often required to obtain the goal that had been set, the topic of personal limits are bound to come up.What may appear to be simply working hard to achieve a goal could appear as sabotage to not only oneself but to those around them. When an individual's methods of achieving a goal begin to be questioned by those around them, that ambition turns to blind ambition. Blind ambition is a figurative way of stating that one continues to pursue their own ambitions with no mind to their surrounding and the effects their actions have on others in their lives. Once an individual begins to work towards a goal with no mental and physical limitation
My brother, my mom, his friend, and I was going to a Vacation for the weekend, driving to San Diego. We've admire and took picture of the sun setting the ocean with the rippling flow and could hear the noise of the ocean fresh breezes, when we got the hotel we was all tired, but we had to get registered a room to go to sleep in. The next day my mom , my brother, and his friend went somewhere without me, selling puppy's to two people. When I waked up and notice that they was gone, I called my mom and said," Mom where are you guys, and long has it been since you guys left," she said, " three hours, and selling the puppy's right now, but it will take a while when come back, so get ready to go get something to eat, ok," ok," I said. when I was
My dad tried to get the cream off but it was waterproof! It took a long to washout. It was a catastrophe!
So, I said "yes, of course, I would love to!" Before we went to find something too do we went got breakfast, and picked up my grandmother. Meanwhile sitting at the beach, we saw this yellow banana looking rafts going a crossed the ocean. I asked, " What the heck is that."
One of my all-time favorite places to be is Camp Caraway. Every year I go to this camp, and most times it’s the highlight of the year. The campground is located in Sophia NC. We go every memorial weekend. The three days there are so amazing, but I do really wish that we could stay longer. Right, when we arrived my sister and I start celebrating and cheering. We get so excited most of the times my parents start yelling at us.
This is the issue of Charter Schools. Charter Schools simultaneously funded by nonprofit corporations, guided, by founded research, innovative and creative, yes, fun teaching methods, positive academic rewards and fascinating field trip excursions. Successful charter schools upheld the standards of quality and created the most optimal learning environment for the emerging minds of the future.
It was a cold Saturday morning in Tennessee. My brother and my parents and I are on a camping trip. My mom and dad, Marie Johnson and Phil Johnson, offered to take me on a camping trip for the weekend to celebrate my birthday. I could only bring one person along with me. So I decided to take my brother, Luke Johnson. Since me and my family live in Indiana, the drive to Tennessee was very long and felt like forever. The car ride there was very uncomfortable. Me and Luke had little room in the back because of all the luggage.
One of my favorite places to go as a child was to the reservoir with my family. We would start packing a few days before we left, my brother's and I would go to school on a Friday than afterward we would go camping. Every time I would hurry home because I was ready to go camping. When I was little I felt like my family and I went camping every day even though we didn't. I have many memories of camping that are hilarious to talk about.
I was about to eat lunch and my mom and dad were bringing me a pink square soft thing that keeps you warm, with my bottle. My mom was feeding me and my dad said silly because he wanted to play with me , “I'm going to go play poker with friends be back at 4:00pm.¨
A few of the education opportunity that I have taken advantage of since I entered school are The Light House Community Center, Nicholas Academic Center, and the After school Program. They are all wonderful programs that I would recommend to go and check it out. All of these programs helped me with my education and helped me identify myself as a person.
Trying to find memories is like looking for treasure. You look at the surface and see something mediocre, but you dig deep and find something cool, pretty, and meaningful. It took a while to think of a fond memory, but once I thought of some, it was hard to choose a favorite. Growing up I have had many great experiences in the form of vacations. Between going to Disney World, owning a vacation home, hanging out with my grandparents in Arizona, traveling to Canada and more. They all make amazing memories that I will forever cherish. The vacation spot we go to the most, though, is Wisconsin Dells. A few times I have been allowed to invite friends to come with. When I am allowed to bring friends, it is always a ginormous amount of fun. We goof off in the hotel room, play in the arcades, and swim in the water parks.
The next day we woke up very early in the morning to go get good seats on the bus. It was going to take about an hour to get the park. “Hey are ready to have extreme fun”.
So, I said "yes, of course, I would love to!" Before we went to find something to do we went, got breakfast, and picked up my grandmother. While sitting at the beach we saw this yellow banana looking rafts going a crossed the ocean. I asked, " What the heck is that."