Can You Be Honest With Your Friends
My sister is a person whom one might define as socially awkward. While neither of us possess the gift of tact, I have become slightly more adept a maneuvering unfamiliar social situations, whereas she avoids them wherever and whenever possible. We both have the same handicap: that being that we don’t possess a filter. Whereas most people know that it constitutes poor manners to point out a hanger from a perfect stranger’s nose, we feel it is our civic duty to not only bring attention to the offensive item, but to introduce it to any other would-be spectator and random passersby.
Fortunately in my old age I have learned to bridle my tongue – at least somewhat – and curb my impulse to point out the
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“Naw…I’m just going to go to the misses section,” she said in a way that would encourage Shequan to join her. “They make allowances for women with hips….”
She let her voice trail off. Shequan did not take the bait.
“Girl, aint no way nothing over there would fit me,” she sniffed. “I’m a junior 15 at the most.”
A-Dub just nodded her head and continued her window shopping. What was the point in arguing with this high school student trapped in Grandma’s ample bosomed body? After all, she had an optimal number of friends to keep, and losing Shequan’s camaraderie by telling her she was too fat to be shopping in Juniors’ would upset that delicate balance.
I think she’s being a worse friend my letting this grown woman walk around in too tight booty shorts and low cut tops, but that’s just me. Can you tell your friends the truth? Can you even afford to?? Are you a better friend if you let them wallow in happy ignorance, or pull them out by the crack of their junior sized denim shorts? I’m at Barnes & Noble with my coffee. I can’t wait to hear
Missy smiled and patted her lap. “Come and sit in granny’s lap, baby. I got something to tell you.”
“You are a little overdressed for an AA meeting, don’t you think?” Kyra asked the newbie.
“Sounds boring, I used to get to check out new gear all the time with I was little. It’s not that great Sam.” I
“Not ones our age.” I pegged him at no more than early thirties, but that could be due to the scruff coating his jawline.
"Yeah. Right." Not dressed in that getup she's wearing. Her sweats look like they belong to someone five times her size.
“Thank you!” Mia said skipping passed the interrupted guard .Then they all set off for the office of Nancy Nickerson.
“Wow, that’s thirteen years of hard work I’m sure. Is there a reason you did that because I know most kids would much rather just go hang out with their friends or ride their bikes than get up at 5 every morning and feed hogs?”
“Kid.” He snorted and looked out over the city and the people therein. He probably thought she was a kid
From Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, to Al Qaeda, the perpetrators of the September 11 attacks, terrorism in the form of bombs has always been recognized as a perpetual threat to society, only increasing as tensions with groups like ISIS grow. However, in the past decade, a new wave of terrorism has been on the rise: shootings. And with every subsequent attack, the dissemination of fear among the people expedites, making it difficult for anyone to feel completely safe anymore. As a result, law enforcement has been desperately searching for innovative measures that can be taken in order to prevent such devastations. This includes turning to forensic profiling, attempts to understand these perpetrators’ minds, so as to catch early signs of preparation
“Well I didn’t. So. Maybe it’s you that really doesn’t. Wouldn’t surprise me,” she said angrily.
Each gospel presents Jesus as one person but with two natures: God and man. The political, social, and religious aspects, of the gospels, help believers to understand God’s message. For example, the Hebrew background is important to understanding the gospel because it is directed to first century Jews. The Hebrew background is primarily religious because the gospel message was first sent to the Jews (Acts 1:8).
“Really,” Tilly asked, eyeing Dominique for the trap. They were in the ladies sitting room. “You want me to go with you to Lord Gavin’s”
I read a beautifully crafted novel called “The Great Gatsby”, written by the acclaimed author F. Scott Fitzgerald. It is written in perspective of Nick Carraway, an ordinary man who dreams of being a writer. Nick arrives in New York in 1922 in search of the pedestaled American dream. Nick moves to Long Island and has the privilege of being Jay Gatsby’s neighbour, a mysterious man who is socially renowned for his extravagant parties and endless luxuries. The story is centrally based around Gatsby and his devoted love for Daisy Buchanan, and his fight to reclaim her from her womanizing husband –Tom Buchanan. Through series of events and adventures, Nick is pulled into the captivating world of the rich as he depicts the themes of impossible love, dreams and tragedy.
“well hello sweetheart, what are you doing here?” she said peering down at me in a nasally voice.
All of this Mama and Maggie bore as a quiet audience as they watched Dee’s show, but it wasn’t over. Although their kindness, and Mama’s generosity, was being strained, ‘Wangero’ paid no thought to them, and soon she found their limit. The weight of Dee’s act was setting mainly on the shoulders of Mama as she watched Dee prance around the house, belittling everything in sight as Maggie cowered in her fear and discomfort. However, as Dee set her sights on two special quilts, heirlooms that were promised to Maggie, Mama could no longer ignore the problem. Once Dee used her relationship with her to test the relationship between her and Maggie, she was forced to act and set things straight. Finally she saw the vast gap in fortune the two girls had, and how such expectation for disappointment made Maggie give up the quilts, what little she was ever assured. Mama knew then what to do. This ungrateful, insatiable girl could no longer feed off the two of them whenever she pleased, and so Mama cut Dee from her selfish fantasies. The second Mama told her no, Dee’s attitude turned an entire 180 degrees, but Mama knew what she was doing. So with nothing left for her at the house, Dee, and her unusual accomplice, left, but not without showing more condescension by telling Maggie what she could do to be better.