
Cancer Informative Speech

Satisfactory Essays

What is Cancer?
Cancer is the name for diseases as to when cells which are abnormal start to multiply uncontrollably and then start to spread and affect other parts of tissue then ultimately spreading to different parts of the body through the blood and other systems which run throughout the body.
What is being done to cure cancer?
Animal testing is playing a huge role in the search of curing cancer as scientists are testing on animals such as fish, flies and worms as these types of animals have similar cells which react similarly to how human cells do. Mammals such as mice or rats are also key in researching cures for cancer as these mammals have very similar cells and tissues as humans. Mice for example have very close genetic make-up as …show more content…

Every person on earth has a specific bloody type these blood types are categorised by the different antigens found in the blood cells of people of each type. The reason as to why blood types have to be categorised is because if the wrong type of blood is given to a person who is for example having an organ transplant then the body will automatically be able to detect if the blood type is wrong by rejecting the organ which has been transplanted.
The main reason as to why science doesn’t yet fully have an understanding of blood types is because there is many other blood groups other than A,B and O. The antigens which can be found in specific blood types isn’t yet fully understood as scientists still do not the main purpose of these antigens. One theory is that some blood types might be more affected by a disease than another but it is still very hard to distinguish the real reason for different blood types. Why do we have …show more content…

Science can never answer this question as there is no real way of determining this. For example in physics there is a law called the first law of thermodynamics which states that nothing can be increased or decreased in the form of energy and matter in the universe. Whereas if you look at it in a religious perspective believers will say that there has to be another influence (God) that made all of this possible and would argue that such a precise thing needs a designer/ creator. What happens after death?
This question is a question science will never be able to answer as they have no evidence as to what happens after death. This matter is quite often debated between religion and science as in many religions it is believed that there is life after death but this belief is part of the faith of that religion so where science looks for proof and evidence religion expects the individual to believe in the unknown. Science uses the term consciousness after death as they may relate this to the term used by religions as life after death this is because science believes that when you die you become brain

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