
Cannabinoid Analysis

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Paul Armentano talked about if there should be limits on the amount of cannabinoids in a person's bodily system when they drive a motor vehicle. The article was published by the Humboldt Journal Of Social Relations. This journal went on to discuss that THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid however, that it can stay in your system longer than you are actually under the high. (Armentano, 2013). “However, unlike in the case of alcohol, these peaks THC/blood levels do not typically correspond with a subject’s maximum level of behavioral impairment. In a clinical setting, it has been documented that subjects exhibit “little psychomotor impairment” during the initial fifteen minutes immediately following cannabis inhalation, despite maximum concentrations …show more content…

As you can see alcohol has a drug specific mortality. This means you can have alcohol SPECIFIC deaths. This is important because people always hear about marijuana not causing any deaths and according to this study does not produce any drug specific mortality. Another interesting thing when looking at the chart that alcohol has a huge area that would cause overall injury, whereas cannabis does not have such a large area. The overall most dangerous drug when compared side by side is an alcohol with a rating of 72 out of 100 making it the most dangerous drug. This was not even close with heroin and crack cocaine listed as 55 and 54 respectively. Going through the list and we can see that tobacco as a harm index of 26 and then you have cannabis coming in at a 20. The large areas of concern with tobacco, according to this chart is the Drug Related Mortality, drug specific damage, high levels of dependence and a rather substantial economic costs. Marijuana on the other hand only has an economic cost as one with a significant amount of damage. This chart also lets you see where other schedule one drugs are and most of them are at the bottom with LSD and mushrooms. Even with those the only concern is the amount of impairment. Cannabis appears to be pretty evenly distributed throughout the danger section. No one thing really sets cannabis apart. Cannabis is just as or no more dependent than alcohol and …show more content…

According to a Cato Institute study done by Jeffery Miron and Katherine Waldock discussed the impact to the budget if the government were to legalize drugs and to end the prohibition of the substances. The study estimates that approximately 41 billion would be saved by the government while drug legalization would see an increase in revenue of about 43 billion dollars. (Miron, 2010). In order to come up with these numbers they looked at the amount of people getting arrested for drug use and found that 82.5 percent of all drug related arrests were only for simple possession and of those 82.5 percent of arrests 42.1 percent were just for people arrested for marijuana. (Miron, 2010) However, if the United States were to just legalize marijuana, it would still reduce the prison rates and would still bring in close to 20 billion dollars in saved and earned revenue from the legalization. It seems to me that the most fiscally responsible governmental action people can take is to legalize the sale and use of

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