
Cannibalism Exocannibalism

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In my essay, I would like to discuss cannibalism as a phenomenon in the context of socio-cultural anthropology. By exploring some of the cannibal practices prevailing in the tribal societies even until today, I will try to put up a question if this practice is still vivid and functional way how to deal the social order.

1. Úvod
Cannibalism, known also as anthropophagy, is one of the slowly vanishing phenomena of the modern world. Even if it is necessarily considered taboo from the western perspective, these practices are in some indigenous societies still part of everyday life. In the past, within some cultures cannibalism was recognized as a barbarism and as a decline of civilization, modern anthropology goes ahead with the debate why cannibalism …show more content…

This type most commonly takes form of the warfare cannibalism. This act often symbolizes vengeance, victory and taking over hostile tribe. Exocannibals believe that through eating the body of an enemy they can gain some of their characteristics, strength and power. As a suitable example can serve cannibal practices of Aztecs, Tupi tribe, Wari or Bimin-Kuskusmin. (Conklin, 2001)
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One of these is survival cannibalism – that is the case when people are forced to eat others’ flesh to keep themselves alive. Quite often cannibalism arises from deviant… disorders. (Donely) One of this type might be autocannibalism, which is defined as eating own flesh.
4. Amazonia
Many indigenous tribes currently living in the Amazonian jungle can still practice some forms of cannibalism. An American anthropologist Beth Conclin thoroughly researched cultural habits, rituals and mortuary practices among Wari. Her monography Consuming Grief can then serve as a great primary source for analysis of cannibalism.
In the past, amongst Wari people both forms of cannibalism occurred. They practiced warfare cannibalism as well as mortuary, however, no anthropologist has ever seen it live. Details about the rituals itself then only come from the informants. (Conklin, 2001) This fact was actually crucial in the following discussion about denying the existence of cannibalism.

When a Wari person passed away, they left the body to decay for around three days and then they gathered to hold a ceremony for the deceased. For the closest kin it was forbidden to take part in the flesh consumption, however, others did this only in order to help them overcome the mourning phase. This very fact put the community together. (Conklin,

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