
Capital Punishment Deters Crime?

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The question that it seemed to be taken into consideration is whether capital punishment deters crime? There are two types of deterrence theories that are stretched across statistical studies in the law of criminology. The first notable theory is known as “specific deterrence” it is exercised in order to stop a criminal offence from occurring in the future. The theory evaluates that when punished for an unlawful offence it is less likely of the perpetrator to commit the crime again. Another crucial theory is “retribution” in Gregg v. Georgia the Supreme Court claimed that “retribution also known as retributivism is another justified use of death penalty” (183-84). Despite the universal terminology of retribution, most theorist have consolidated a unified notion of retributivism. According to the theory, punishment is on the basis of a perpetrator’s illegal actions and mainly for vengeance. Evident studies found the deterrent effect to be inconclusive; therefore, no firm evidence tied back with the statistical data.
Despite of the executions in the late 1980’s, the Supreme Court emphasized that the imposition of capital punishment should be considered by psychiatric analysis based on the conception of mental disorders. In 1972 the Court ruled that perpetrators were not allowed “untrammeled discretion” in the way death penalty was imposed. Some states changed the ruling of capital punishment to make death penalty automatic when homicides were committed under specific

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