
Capitalism And Feminism : A Form Of An Economic And Social Organisation

Decent Essays

Capitalism is a form of an economic and social organisation characterised by the profit motive and the control of the means of production, distribution and the exchange of goods by private ownership Knox, P. and Marston, S. (2014). Capitalisation creates opportunity to build global trading relationships and financial institutions that have an impact on national and regional economies. Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies that share a common goal to create change by establishing the equality of genders to ensure that women are treated fairly in the social, political and economical environments. The purpose of this essay is to establish the problems and potentials that arise from Capitalism and Feminism that have emerged as a result of globalisation and how feminism is helping to overcome issues of inequality that have emerged in the everyday living of women in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a country located in South Asia it is bordered by the country of India (Figure 1.1). The capital city of Bangladesh Is Dhaka, As of 2013 Bangladesh has a population of 162 077 360 people, of which 4,237,592 are woman. (World Bank)

Feminism ensures that women are treated equally within the capitalist workforce. In developing countries there is an evident negative effect of capitalisation as seen in countries such as Bangladesh for the country has limited protections available for women in the workforce. However capitalism has increased the standard of living in Bangladesh

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