
Capricornus Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

My favourite constallation is the capricornus. It actually is my zodiac sign. Little magical glowing in the dark stars are fixed to my ceiling, representing the capricornus. It is up there since a few years now. Even when I moved out for three years, it was not removed from the ceiling.

Capricornus is probably one of the oldest zodiacs. It was referred to as goatfish. During the time of the capricornus it was time to catch goatfishes (Parupeneus forskalii) in the red sea. Goatfishes are actual fish. But the zodiac is often illustrated as bottom half fish top half goat.
According to the Greek myths the God Pan, who looked like a goat, tried to escape from Typhon, jumped into the ocean and tried to transform into a fish. But he failed. After

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