
Capulet's Loyalty In Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

The character who is the most to blame for in this star-crossed situation that lead to both Romeo and Juliet's death; was no other than the rich Capulet. Capulet who is the father of Juliet, was the most to blame, due to his strong belief in loyalty, his unsentimental characteristic he acquired from his high status, and even just to show his dominance over the other family...the Montague's. These traits are found all over the story and in my belief is what pushed his relationship with his daughter away.

First off, Capulet's strong belief in loyalty is in no way good for relationships when it turns into control. For example, in Act 1 scene 5 this event is when Romeo is spotted after sneaking into the Capulet's party. Before much occurs, once Tybalt sets off to slay Romeo; lord Capulet stops him and states Romeo is no threat. After Tybalt disagrees, Capulet grows furious and yells saying that he will not make a mutiny of him or his guests. This is just one example of many and this shows how easy going he is and requires someones full loyalty towards him.

Further more, Capulets' unsentimental characteristic he has acquired from his high status means he has no emotions or feelings especially towards his family. Although this trait is not entirely his personality; it is more so how he needs to be in order to stay in …show more content…

lord Capulet fails to keep a strong relationship between him and his daughter. More to it; he has put so much stress onto Juliet as if she was cornered in effect, caused her and Romeos deaths. Due to his characteristics and personality: he has kept a distance between his daughter, his wife, and even his nephew Tybalt. In throughout the story, almost everybody he has kept distant from and/or put stress on has ultimately died. To finish this statement off; I do not believe this was a coincidence and seek it more as an cause and effect type of

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