
Cardiovascular System Lab Report

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2.1 Introduction

The cardiovascular system includes the organs that regulate blood flow through the body mainly the heart and the blood vessels. This system has as basic function to provide a continuous flow of blood to organs and cellular tissues of the body in order to distribute oxygen and nutrients, eliminate waste and carbon dioxide generated during their activity and transport hormones produced by endocrine glands to the receivers. This chapter aims to explain the physiological basis of the cardiac activity and its relation with the autonomic nervous system (ANS), to understand the usage of electrocardiogram (ECG) to detect driver fatigue related directly to the ANS. 2.2 Electrocardiogram (ECG)

The electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) …show more content…

ANS primarily involves emotional responses and controls the smooth muscles, heart muscle and secretion of the glands in the human body and supplies the internal organs, including the blood vessels, stomach, intestine, liver, kidneys, bladder, genitals, lungs, pupils, heart, and sweat, salivary, and digestive glands. Furthermore, this system is divided into two parts: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system having each one its proper function Fig …show more content…

Thus, it slows body processes such as digestion and urination that are less important in emergencies, and activate many other processes; it increases heart rate and the force of heart contractions and dilates the airways to make breathing easier. In addition, the body release its stored energy and muscular strength is increased. This part of ANS also causes palms to sweat, pupils to dilate, and hair to stand on end[19]. In contrast, the parasympathetic division controls body process during ordinary situations, it conserves and restores. As a result of this division activation, the heart rate slows and blood pressure decreases, the digestive tract is stimulated to process food and eliminate wastes, this latter process produce energy from the processed food that is used to restore and build tissues[19].

Hence, The ANS plays an essential role in the maintaining of the homeostasis through the regulation of the internal functions of the body[17]. These two components of ANS work together to ensure that the body is functioning properly in each situation. An imbalance between these two systems can be an indicator of a physiological variations as when the mental state changes to a new abnormal one like drowsiness, stress or

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