
Career Construction Interview : Client Case

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Career Construction Interview Client Case Overview of Client The client I interviewed was a 14 year old female in my community. She is a 9th grade student at a public school in a rural area of Mississippi, interested in computer software development, has an idea as to what she needs to do to obtain her goal. She came to me seeking clarification with her career choice. Holland Code The student resulted with CAS when using the Holland code. CAS is a type of individual that is conventional, artistic, and social. Someone who is conventional prefers structured tasks and tending to details. The artistic like to create things and they are imaginative. A social person prefers interacting with people; or they tend to be concerned with social …show more content…

I also used this time to discuss why they believe these characteristics are important in their vocational path. When discussing favorite magazines, the individual did not show much interest. They did make a comment on interest in archaeological magazines, only because their mother reads them. The individual claims they do not have an interest to watch television and what they do watch television is because of their siblings or parents. I wasn’t sure how to connect this one to their work environment. Their favorite types of books included action/adventure and horror; because they were thrilling, with an adrenaline rush, and the student was able to escape the world around them. The student has interest in the new Disney remake movies, including Beauty and the Beast. I inquired as to why this particular movie was their favorite. The student responded saying that Belle was one of their role models because she had such confidence with herself and did not allow the town to suppress it. In relation to their interest in reading to escape, I asked student which situations they might simply escape from without trying to deal with it. Some situations included times the student knew the matter was not worth fighting over, the student did not know how to handle in situation, and the student was arguing with parent. Then the student had a complete polar opposite response to other

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