
Caregivers Overworked Sociology

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Caregivers help out our community more than people seem to acknowledge. A caregiver can either be a paid worker or just a volunteer that helps out other people in need. The people they help look after can be a child, elderly, or disabled person. Without caregivers, many people wouldn’t have anyone to care for them properly. Plenty of people end up needing a caregiver sometime in their life, but due to the lack of care towards caregivers and the large amount of burnout they’re facing, some are quitting, or keep working but don’t put any effort into their job. Caregivers being overworked is the most coherent explanation as to why they face so much stress. The caregivers being overworked in nursing homes is a problem that must be solved.

Caregivers …show more content…

Caregivers overworked caused issues within their workplace and in their daily lifestyle at home due to the large amount of stress they face at work. In the article “A Nursing home Nightmare” by Phil Chwalinski, he talks about how the executive director for the Arizona Nurses Association, Joyce Benjamin, said in a telephone interview that “people believe that being a caregiver doesn’t harm a person, but helps them improve as a person.” This is obviously false information since there’s been evidence that being a caregiver can in fact hurt a person mentally, emotionally, and even physically. For example, studies show caregivers are one of the most overworked nurses in the state and country. The studies conclude that caregivers are severely harmed because of the stress they face and because of the small amount of time they have for themselves. To add on to that, rally leaders have said “Arizona hospitals resist efforts to organize nurses into unions and stifle those who disagree with policies and procedures” (Woessner). Hospitals do this because reducing the amount of work caregivers do will mean caregivers have fewer people to look after; thus, they will have fewer patients paying for treatment. By not putting them into unions, they have to suffer and push through with all the pain they face. If caregivers do not agree with …show more content…

Chwalinski , Phil. “A Nursing Home Nightmare.” The Caregiver Space, 5 Sept. 2016,

Masterson, Les. “Nurses Are Burnt Out.” Healthcare Dive, 12 May 2017,

Slater, Shayna. “Should Nursing Homes Do More to Prevent Burnout?” The Legal Examiner, 1 Dec. 2011,

Woessner, Iain. Cronkite News Service. “Nurses Rally for National Law Mandating Ratios for Patient Care in Hospitals.” Arizona Capitol Times, 9 Dec. 2009,

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