
Carl Rogers Person Centred Approach

Decent Essays

In this part of the essay I will focus on Carl Rogers’s theories of a person centred approach, particularly paying attention to first core condition - therapeutic relationship.
In 1957, Rogers published an article that recognized six core conditions in person centred approach, which he believed to be necessary and sufficient in establishing counselling relationship, in which therapeutic growth could happen. First of the six conditions is that two people are in psychological contact. It was very clear for Rogers that the “therapeutic relationship begins with the establishing of the first condition of the psychological contact” (Casemore, 2011, p. 47). This relationship is based on mutuality and equality where both counsellor and client are …show more content…

Rogers believed that healthy psychological growth in a client will occur when the counsellor establishes a safe and non-judgmental relationship which allows clients to fully express their feelings (Rogers, 1961). In therapeutic relationship therapist needs to value the individual as a unique being that is capable of recognising what their problems are and that they are able to choose suitable solutions in order to become more fully functioning. According to Rogers (1977), research indicates the greater the degree of caring, accepting and valuing the client, the greater the chance that therapy will be successful. Unconditional positive regard is seen more as a personal attitude rather than behaviour. Therapists’ acceptance of his clients is “communicated by our way of being with them, rather than by anything particular we may say or do (Merry, 2014, p.137). Unconditional positive regard is communicated to clients through acceptance and respect. This doesn’t mean that all therapists will like their clients, however coming back to unconditional positive regard will allow therapist to get pass the clients behaviours and attitudes and see the humanity that lies in the centre of it …show more content…

It is a process of listening to understand clients own perspective meanwhile putting therapists own interpretations and judgments aside. Empathic understanding and its communication to client is seen as crucial part of building therapeutic relationship and indeed for successful outcomes of therapy. As Rogers (1980) puts it “low levels of empathy is related to a slight worsening in adjustment and pathology, if no one can grasp what these experiences are like, then I am in a bad way… more abnormal than I thought” (p.37). This seems like a great resource within the therapist himself, particularly when we meat more challenging clients whom would be easy to judge at first glance. For example if someone who has physically hurt or abused someone else they are most likely to have suffered abuse at some point in their lives, so by tapping into empathic understanding we can look beyond our immediate responses to the

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