
Carl Sandburg's Fog

Decent Essays

I analysed a poem by Carl Sandburg named “Sandpipers.” I chose this poem due to the fact that Carl Sandburg is the author of my favorite poem, Fog, but Fog is too short to do this project about. Also Sandpipers is not too long. Sandpipers also is not too short for this paper. The speaker of this poem seems to be the author, Carl Sandburg. The message is that, though you leave a mark in the world, it will not stay. It will be washed away with the waves of time. The second line brought me to this conclusion. The line says, “Homes for sandpipers-the script of their feet is on the sea shingles- they write in the morning, it is gone by noon- they write at noon, it is gone by night.” The speaker seems almost pitying and bitter, which sets the mood of the poem as pitiful and somber. …show more content…

“Wire legs and feet” means that the Sandpipers have very skinny legs and feet. It also means that skinny, weak people can sometimes stand up to everything. This gives the feeling that the sandpipers’ legs can stand up to anything. “Salt water kills” means that the salt in the water kills the plants that cannot fight the saltiness. This phrase also means that an overpower item can kill and wipe out everything except those who can fly away and come back to fight back. This gives the feeling that the saltwater is an overpowering force that control everything near it. “Pity anything but the…” means that the world is pitying everything on it but the sandpipers. Also, this means that the your mark on the world is a mark that most people don’t leave even if it fades into history. This give the feeling of sorrow for everything but the sandpipers. I determined that Carl Sandburg’s message is that while everyone might give up, keep trying and you’ll leave your

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