The Carlsbad Caverns form one of the world's oldest cave systems, and according to National Park Service statistics, receive around 300,000 visitors per year. The caverns lie approximately 27 miles from the city of Carlsbad in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, beneath the Chihuahuan Desert. The rugged landscape of the Carlsbad Caverns National Park conceals 117 known caves, including vast underground chambers. I do agree with you the government should have ownership of national parks and the reason why I say this is because national parks have so much history, value and are very expensive to
Providence Canyon should become a national park, but the federal government thinks otherwise. I believe that it should become a national park because it has an environment that you can not see anywhere else in Georgia besides at this canyon. This canyon was formed long ago by old time farming methods which would not be fully developed for another 100 years or
The Biodiversity Treaty sanctioned that countries whose biological resources are exploited by bioprospecting companies have a right to share the financial benefits resulting from the sale of these resources (Adair, 1997). National parklands are owned by the federal government. Therefore, our national parks have the legal right to share in the financial benefits that
I agree with the federal government's decision in not making Providence Canyon a national park. The reason I agree with not making Providence Canyon a national park is because people do not know how to pick up their trash when it misses the trash cans and that is an environmental problem, also the money to pay for it comes from our pockets. Also people are unaware of this and the disasters that they could cause when they drop their trash where ever they want or when they let their pets use the bathroom where ever they let them. The federal government did the right thing by not making the Providence Canyon a national park in my opinion.
Most people think that the Providence Canyon which is also known as "Little Grand Canyon" should stay a state park. Well, I believe that it should become a national park. There are so many things that the park would make better if it were a national park.
It is extremely fascinating that “general science and space (NASA) accounts for thirty-one billion dollars as opposed to national park service which only gets three billion dollars” (Document E). Thusly, funds from general science and space should be designated to national park service because national parks provide for the domestic tranquility with their relaxing and tranquil sites and serene environment. To continue, there are “fifty-eight national parks, 123 historic sites, and seventy-four national monuments” that have to be maintained and renovated so how can three million dollars be enough for all of these pieces and memorials of history (Document E)? General science and space would survive a cut in funds considering that America is no longer in the space race with Russia and it is not all that often that NASA sends new satellites into orbit or rovers to different planets. General science and space is not as useful as it used to be due to a growing number of private companies that are starting to take over the science and space industry. For these reasons, national park service needs to make up more than “just greater than .1 percent” of the budget (Document E). In conclusion, there are changes that need to be made to all three major clusters of the federal
National parks should not be preserved and protected by the federal government because the government currently owns too much land
The first reason I think the government should make the Providence Canyon a national park is because of students or even collage students could learn more about when seen in person. If the government does not make the Canyon a national park kids will not know a lot about it, because students don't really learn that much when the teacher is just telling the students about, and not actually seeing it. In the passage, Old Farming Methods it says," Providence Canyon, as this area is officially named, is located in southwest Georgia's Coastal Plains region near the Alabama border." Providence Canyon is very educational for younger students and maybe even for older students. That is one reason Providence Canyon should be a national park.
They argue that the state governments are not extensive enough to provide these services and many others and that a strong central government will be able to provide these services more effectively. Take for example, the national parks, which are managed by the National Park Service and are a piece of American culture. Strong central government advocates say that states cannot maintain a uniform standard of upkeep, because of the differences of politics and cultures. The state parks and wildlife in Georgia are managed differently than the parks and wildlife in California. They claim that a federal government is necessary to make sure that all parks are kept up and well maintained, to provide a pleasurable experience for all who attend.
across a foreign land to help the townspeople. He kills the demon Grendel in order to stop his
This may seem controversial as some people may not be able to understand how public parks benefit anyone. Public parks may seem purely aesthetic and ornamental, adding no true value to society, therefore some would argue that the government has no justification for taking their property.
As an Ohioan from a district where nature has so much to offer, I believe States should take a more active role in managing public lands. Public lands are for the public, and Washington should grant more access not less.
Providence Canyon, or the "Little Grand Canyon" as some call it, is a well-known tourist attraction in southwest Georgia. It is, as of now, a state park. However many believe that it should be recognized and made a national park. There are many reasons to support this decision. There is various types of wildlife, it could also be good for education on erosion and rock formations, and it would be good for the economic purposes because it is engulfed in tourism every year. This is why many believe that Providence Canyon should be made a national park.
Yellowstone National Park is one of the largest and oldest national parks in American history. Yellowstone was the first park to be protected by private investment on March 1, 1872, and the first to be put under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service in 1918, no doubt due to its unique and inspiring landscape and geothermal features. In fact, Yellowstone National Park is home to half of the world’s total hydrothermal features. These awesome attractions draw an incredible amount of visitors, an average of two to three million each year, to Yellowstone’s immense landscape. The park has a total size of 28,125 square miles, is found in three distinct states, and is considered to be one of the largest
Atomic energy production is a dangerous technology that must be replaced by eco-friendly energy production methods. Atomic energy production relies upon radioactive materials used as fuel to generate electricity; these fuels are highly toxic and volatile substances that are lethal to all forms of life. In the event of a technical malfunction, or natural disaster, these dangerous substances can escape into the environment where they will remain disruptive for centuries. The nuclear power plant at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan is one such example of this, but alarmingly, many nuclear power plants are built along geological fault lines, in tsunami regions, and other dangerous weather zones all across the globe. The potential for widespread devastation to the environment is real. For this reason alone nuclear energy should be phased out entirely and replaced by a safe alternative.
Westward expansion, although simply a pact to move westward caused conflict and anger to Northern and Southerners. This tension rose due to the fugitive slave act, and the Kansas-Nebraska act. In 1845 the phrase manifest destiny was coined. Many Americans assumed it was their God-given-right to spread westward, bringing American culture with them (285). This phrase empowered Americans to move west, however, conflict arose in the conquest of lands such as the annexation of Texas which led to the Mexican-American War, acquiring California and New Mexico. These newly acquired lands led to pressing questions if they would be free or slave states which was a precursor to the climactic fugitive slave act. In 1850 President Taylor enacted the 1850 Compromise. Taylor agreed for California to become a free state under the Union, for New Mexico and Utah to decide if they were free or slave states through popular sovereignty, and the slave trade to be abolished in the District of Columbia (310). However, the fourth and most controversial portion of the 1850 Compromise was the Fugitive Slave Act. This stated that it was Americans moral duty to return escaped slaves to their masters, there was a $10 reward for individuals who returned a fugitive slave, so the number of kidnappers increased leading to escaped slaves to be returned to their masters (310). This caused anger to accumulate among Northerners, Nash states, “In a few dramatic episodes, notably in Boston, literary and