
Carol Greider's Discovery Of The Enzyme Telomerase

Decent Essays

Carol w Greider is the person who discovered the enzyme telomerase, which is the DNA that holds the secrets to how we age and get cancer. In the essay I will also be talking about the personal life and the life as a scientist of Carol Greider. Another thing I will be talking about in the essay is how people have used her discovery in science. I will also be talking about how people have used the enzyme telomerase to try and find out the secrets to how we age and get cancer. But that’s the cool part, how can something like that be what causes us to age and get cancer.

Carol W Greider was born on April 15, 1961 in San Diego, California, she is still alive to this day and she is currently 54 years of age. She married Nathaniel c. Comfort, he was also a fellow academic in 1992, they had two children together. She is sadly now divorced, but before their children were born she competed in some cool competitions and stunts. Those stunts were triathlons, biking, running, and swam for fitness. Some of her notable awards are the Richard Lounsbery Award, Lasker Award, Louisa Gross Horwitz prize, and the nobel prize in Physiology or medicine.

The major thing that Carol W. Greider discovered was the enzyme telomerase. This Organelle is what scientists believe that controls the …show more content…

Greider is the person who discovered the enzyme telomerase and this the the part of our body that holds the secrets to how we age and how we get cancer. Carol is still alive today and she is currently 54 years old and her parents are also very smart people. She is also the one who discovered the enzyme telomerase which is what holds the secret to how we age and how we get cancer. And today scientists have used her discovery to try and crack the secret to how we age and how we get cancer, because the we could make ourselves live longer. So if you ever want to grow up but want more time in your life to do the things you want then you should try and help today’s scientists to make that

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