This questions was written to find out if people would to an actually volunteer. According to a reading from Why Volunteer? Because You Can Gain More Than You Give, “Service to a just cause rewards the worker with more real happiness and satisfaction than any other venture of life.” Carrie Chapman Catt, American Women's Rights Activist. Circle Yes or No to complete the survey. Each question is 10 points. Circle Yes or No 1) Do you smile to homeless people? Yes or No 2) Do you enjoy helping other people? Yes or No 3) Can you change your views after volunteering? Yes or No 4) Do you have time a litter of free time? Yes or No 5) Do you love animals?
I am deeply honored to be nominated as part of the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). It shows me that I have achieved my goal to work as hard as I can to stand out amongst my peers. I have always dedicated myself to be the best that I can be and anything I do, as well as helping and mentoring others to achieve their goals and aspirations. This organization does so much for our society in developing skilled careers and nurturing leaders. It has always been my goal to bring what I learn in school and bring it to help people out in everyday life to change, aspire, and help others in the world today.
The rivalry between the National Women’s Suffrage Association lead by Carrie Chapman Catt, and the National Women’s Party lead by Alice Paul was only intensified by each group’s intense desire to as quickly as possible get the vote for American women. Progress having been stalled and stagnated after the Civil War, ignited by this halt in momentum the two groups to give no ground or tolerance for anything that might stall their progress.
Lucretia Mott was another woman who contributed in the women’s right movement. She was born on January 3, 1793, in Nantucket, Massachusetts. She was a women’s rights activist, abolitionist, and a religious reformer. Lucretia Mott worked with Elizabeth Cady Stanton to create the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, to convince people to join for the cause. Even after the things she fought for became reality, she would strive to make the society better than how it
Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta born April 10, 1930 in Dawson, New Mexico is an American labor leader and civil rights activist who was co-founder of the National Farm Workers Association, and later the United Farm workers. Huerta has received many awards and accolades and has remained a role model and voice to many in the Latino community. Huerta had been born to Juan Fernandez and Alicia Chavez; they divorced when Huerta was just three years old. Both Huerta’s parents were active in the rights of people and the community itself. Huerta’s father was a field worker, miner, as well as a union activist. Huerta’s mother was a business woman who owned a restaurant and a 70-room hotel where she helped low wage workers. A lot of Huerta’s humanitarianism came from her mother, who was known for her kindness and compassion for others. Huerta personality followed close to her mother’s as she too was caring and compassionate yet strong minded.
FDR became the first president whose mother was eligible to vote for him. This statement may sound peculiar to us because, in our lifetime, women have always had the right to vote, but this has not always been the case. Many people worked to earn this right. Carrie Chapman Catt was a women’s rights activist, who gave many speeches about women’s suffrage, which played a major role in earning the women’s right to vote.
I volunteer for the same reason I am a vegetarian. People always ask me, “What’s the point? You’re not going to change anything.” They’re right—I’ve saved maybe five chickens over the course of my life. But they’re forgetting one important thing: it’s not just me. I believe that one person’s tiny effort, when combined with several others, can make a huge difference in the world.
“Why is a woman to be treated differently? Woman suffrage will succeed, despite this miserable guerilla opposition” (Victoria Clafin Woodhull.) Carrie Chapman Catt was president of the National American Women Suffrage Association who shared the same attitude as Woodhull. During this time period women were denied suffrage which compelled many activist like Carrie chapman Catt to advocate for the Federal Suffrage Amendment. Catt took advantage of the fact that the movement was getting much support to convince congress to pass the amendment. She was specifically targeting congress men entrenched with democratic ideals who opposed the movement. The whole world’s attention was directed to the War that was happening at the time therefore making it crucial Catt establishes a sense of urgency. Catt delivered her “Address to Congress on Women suffrage” in which she gets her point across by establishing her knowledge, stating some hard evidence and logical reasoning why women suffrage is inevitable, and by questioning congress delays and sincerity evoking feelings of guilt and urgency.
Susan B. Anthony was an activist for many different topics such as slavery, alcohol, and what she is most famous for: women’s rights. She is known for founding the National Women’s Rights Association. Today she is greatly admired for her determination and persistence to fight for Women’s Rights to vote.
The Women 's Suffrage Movement impacted the United States by giving women the right to have a voice and to finally be able to vote. Achieving the right to vote was the culminating event of the Women 's Suffrage Movement. The Women 's Suffrage Movement was also known as Women 's Suffrage. The movement was the struggle for women to be able to vote and run for president. It was also closely linked to the women 's right movement. In the mid 19th century women in several different countries, mostly the United States and Britain began forming organizations to fight for suffrage.
Many people have fought for their rights. People have lived to become something in life. One person who achieved something was, Sojourner Truth. She was an African American abolitionist and women’s rights activist. She was born into slavery in the year of 1797 in Swartekill, Ulster County, New York. Many people knew her as Isabella Baumfree, but when she escaped slavery in 1826 with her infant daughter Sophia, she changed her name to Sojourner Truth. She devoted her life to end slavery and at the same time making woman have a voice in the world.
King still remains known as the most widely known African-American leader of his era, and the most public face of the civil rights movement, along with its most eloquent voice. His accomplishments are now taught to American children of all races, and his teachings are studied by scholars and students worldwide. Because of Martin’s inspirational spirit and attitude with equal treatment, African Americans achieved more genuine progress toward racial equality in America in over the past 3 centuries. In 1968, Coretta Scott King founded the King Center in Atlanta as a memorial to her husband. The center seeks to advance King's philosophies of justice and nonviolence through its educational programs, exhibitions, and tours. In 1983, Congress passed
Volunteering and participating in service projects are two of the most rewarding activities in my opinion. Some people may find it was a hassle or only do it because they have to meet the minimum requirement for school or work. Helping others, for me, has always been somewhat second nature to me. Over many years of volunteering I believe I have developed qualities that will stick with me for life and benefit me in my career. As early as freshman year, in high school, I found myself looking for ways to give back. I started by looking for opportunities within school, where I came across the A+ tutoring program, and so my journey of giving back began. While tutoring, my patience for others really evolved, partly by choice and partly because
I have many experiences with community service since I am very passionate about helping people and the less unfortunate. I have volunteered in many activities to help my community, for example, Eagle Scream Fest, Dia del Nino, Closet to Closet, Multicultural night and the best one Food for Families. Food for Families is a non-profit organization that distributes free food twice a month. I have been involved with this organization since the beginning which has been two years. I love volunteering with the organization because I am able to see the difference that is making to
II. The second point that will convince you to be a volunteer is cause that most people don’t understand the seriousness of being a volunteer. A) People don’t understand that the homeless person didn’t eat for two days, and he or she needs help and food. B)
Speaker Credibility Statement: If we all did our part to help those in need, our community would be a better and safer place to live. By doing this, we can achieve a greater sense of accomplishment. I try and do five or six volunteer activities each month and can tell you of the personal benefits from volunteering that I have experienced.