
Case Analysis: IV Current Disbursement

Satisfactory Essays

Hi everyone, this a follow up communication from our executive meeting (3/31/15): 1. Tony from CVUE had been very proactive working on several of our active incidents(cases) that we opened since February 29th. He spent more than 2 over the phone, working with Robin. He was able to resolve and close 4 cases Colleen, here is the Title IV Current Disbursement Status as of today to answer the question you asked during our meeting. Loans Group 1 $ 31,368.00 Pending to be disbursed early next week Loans Group 2 $ 45,495.00 Pending to be disbursed early next week Pell Group 1 $ 21,633.00 Pending to be disbursed early next week Pell Group 2 $ 20,000.00 est. Still working with CVUE expected to be resolved by next week Total Anticipated

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