
Case Files for Two Students Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction: In relationship to the Simple View of Reading Model (SVR), both case study students, Dustin and David, fall along the "C" and "D" portion of the continuum. Nevertheless, although both students' respective profiles classify them along the "C" and "D" presentation of the spectrum their profiles differ in that David additionally struggles with word decoding and therefore their individual educational needs will vary, but both students will require one-on-one instruction. Dustin's profile fits closely with the "C" presentation, "poor comprehension," while David's profile and assessment information suggests that he is closer to the "D" presentation, "garden variety." Dustin-Educational Supports: According to Dustin's profile, on …show more content…

. ." (2001, p.16), his instructor may allow him to choose from interesting, but still pre-selected articles that are slightly, "beyond [his] comfort zone and then provide support . . ." to build up his vocabulary (2001, Tomlinson & Hutchinson, p.45). Additionally, "read-alouds" (2003, Hirsch, p.21) help students develop their oral vocabulary skills, improve their existing reading vocabulary, and their comprehension. A Read-aloud with Dustin, supported with a discussion and a lesson built around the selection will round-out his comprehension over time. David-Educational Supports: David would also benefit from provisions, like Dustin's, to improving his reading comprehension by reducing extraneous load with visuals. However, David's profile reveals that along with comprehension issues he also struggles with word decoding and expressive language. Beginning with grade six reading materials, as per his assessment, David must revisit and master sight recognition and phonological awareness. Since David is nearly an adult, Moats' reminder is important in that when instructing older students it is important to frame rudimentary concepts in an age appropriate manner (2001, p.38). David must form a concert understanding of the fundamentals associated with reading before he can move forward academically. A tool such as, "rime pattern aids," which Henrietta Dombey identifies in her explanation of The Simple View of Reading Model (2009, p.5), taught explicitly may prove beneficial for

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