
Case Review : The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office

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Client's Background
The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office leads with one paradigm: "to serve and protect in partnership with our community" (Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, 2017). According to a Hire Heroes USA, 20% of returning veterans are seeking civilian law enforcement jobs. Military transition has long been a standing controversy in this country. Men and women face an uphill climb as they reenter society. Post-traumatic stress along with inability to pass entrance exams are hindrances upon veterans. According to the 2017 national statistics, Florida will be the third state with the largest veteran population by 2037 (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2016). This influx, will cause Jacksonville to experience a population and …show more content…

JSO’s strengths are mainly focused in the willingness that it to diversify. JSO’s main threats are the decreased funding, budget cuts, the community’s negative perception, and better paying jobs. Since the minority share in Jacksonville is 45% (Black 30.1%; Hispanic 8.2%, Asian 4.3%, Other 3.1%), JSO has an excellent opportunity to diversify by improving recruitment efforts (Governing Magazine, 2017). The recruitment initiatives should surpass those of the other police departments in Jacksonville. Moreover, the presence of multiple military and naval bases in Jacksonville grants JSO the possibility of reaching out to the veteran community.

The Law Enforcement Industry Today
The law enforcement industry has become a less desirable job for Americans nowadays. The current shortage of police officer’s applications across the country are attributed to the diminishing pay, bad reputation, and dangerous nature of the job (Ali, 2017). Police departments around the country face severe scrutiny after heavy attention was drawn to police brutality incidents. The general belief that the law enforcement industry in America has a

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