
The Causes of Stress Among Police Officers Essay example

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Friederich Nietzsche wrote, “Whoever fights monsters should seek to it that in the process he does not become a monster”. This aptly applies to police officers who face unexpected and potentially dangerous situations every day. Police officers are confronted with destructive and negative behavior on a regular basis. Law enforcement is one of the most stressful and demanding professions in the United States. Characteristics of police work are stressful because a situation can change at any time. An FBI report shows that approximately twelve out of every one hundred or 60,000 police officers are assaulted each year (Stevens, p. 587). Combined with many other factors, Stress is defined as “the wear and tear our bodies and minds …show more content…

General stressors are not as crucial as critical incidents, but can be if not dealt with over a long period of time. Some examples of general work stressors most commonly cited by police officers that cause stress are: paperwork, public disrespect, shift work, death notifications, domestic violence calls, or frustration with the courts (National Institute of Justice Journal, 2000). Organizational stress affects many officers but is not as obvious as other stressors that take place. Police departments vary in size and resources, in spite of this, most organizational structures of departments follow a hierachial bureaucracy. Organizational stressors may include Women account for 14.3 percent of the law enforcement population (Swanson, Territo, & W, 2008, p. 559). Female officers are challenged with stressors identical to male officers’. Nonetheless, it is thought that female officers face higher levels of stress than male officers’. A great deal of stress for females is caused by a predominantly male workforce, which leads to feelings of isolation on the job (University at Buffalo, 2008). In a study conducted by Dr. John Violanti, found that seventy-two percent of female officers had higher than recommended cholesterol levels compared to forty-three

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