
Case Study 3: Carl Jung Essay

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Elizabeth Reszke PSY-210-101 September Case Study Three Case Study Three: Application Questions: 1. What is Bob's attitude according to Jungian theory? Provide evidence for your answer. Bob’s an extravert. Bob seeks enjoyment and pleasure by helping others. In Jung’s point of view, Bob seeks pleasure and enjoyment from outside objects (objects being people), not from the subject (subject being one’s self). This can be seen in the case study when Bob states how he enjoys helping others and speaking with them because it makes him feel like he is helping them in a way that others cannot do. 2. What is Bob's superior function according to Jungian theory? Provide evidence for your answer. Bob’s dominant function …show more content…

Therefore, because he has realized what he believes to be his destiny, it is safe to say that the archetype that governs Bob’s life is the self. 4. At what stage is Bob presently, according to Jungian theory? What types of events should he be experiencing at this stage? Is there evidence for these experiences in the case study? Explain. Bob is 56 years old, meaning, according to Jung, he is in the Middle Life stage about to enter Old Age. At this moment, Bob has reached self-realization in the sense that, in his mind, he knows and understands what he is supposed to do with his life – being a medium between the living world and the spirit world. Because of this, even though the stage does not start until generally age 60, Bob would be classified as being in the stage of Old Age (classified by self-realization and no longer fearing death, which Bob no longer fears). Theory Comparison Questions: 1. At what stage of development would Erikson place Bob? Why? How do Erikson's psychosocial stages differ from Jung's stages of development? Erikson would likely place Bob in the stage of “Generativity vs. Stagnation,” which is between ages 25-64. This is the stage where people try to “make their life count,” meaning they need to give their life meaning in order to obtain gratification. This statement is due to the fact that Bob is trying to make his life have meaning by helping other people with his special abilities, thus placing him in

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