
Case Study Analysis : Indian Railways

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Case Study Analysis: Indian Railways
The case study on Indian Railways (IR) procurement practices by Nag (2013) is one of the most comprehensive case studies ever illustrated based on IR techniques. Furthermore, the case study clearly represented various aspects of the IR procurement management with clearly distinguishing sections depicting the humongous IR network of railways; methodologies used in procurement practices for vendor selection; controlling and regulation practices related to procurement; competition between the suppliers; and ethics and accountability factors of IR individuals. Subsequently, each of these procurement management elements of IR would be summarized with various information and examples within this critical thinking report.
Summary of the Case
IR is one of the largest railroad network, and passenger and freight transport organization in the world. With 1.4 million employees, 7030 railway stations, 103 locomotive shelters, 224 locomotive shops, and 45 maintenance and repair workshops; IR is the largest real estate owner and contributes 1.2% of the India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Nag, 2013, p. 1). Therefore, to regulate this huge network of railway systems and billions of Rupees spent every year on procurement of items related to daily operations, maintenance and repairs, IR needs phenomenal, methodical and competent procurement management practices.
Methodology of Source Selection
The first and foremost critical process in procurement

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