
Case Study: Analyzing Amazon

Decent Essays

On approaching this module I expect to broaden my understanding of strategic marketing and that is exactly what I did, with research and extensive reading I was further educated on the history of marketing, why marketing is essential for businesses, ways to apply different type of marketing strategies. My expectation of strategic marketing was advertising and external customer attraction base on supply and demand, however, I learned that internal marketing is equally as important as external marketing. I also found out that customer voice does drive the decision company marketing team makes base on customer demand thus solidifying the fact that customers are always right and the organization exists because of customers. I also expect to learn …show more content…

Analyzing Amazon’s case study it is clear that the company live up to its name by putting emphasis on the quote ”your customers are not always right, but they are always your customer” as the organization is built on customer feedback with a target of total customer satisfaction (Hyken, S. 2015). Organizations in today’s world know this but somehow still fail to meet customer’s needs. I would change my organization approach to marketing by doing a door to door survey to get customers feedback on each and every one of my products and service offered, set up online live chat or message drop-box just to get a general idea of what customers want and how can my organization satisfy them. Based on experience, reading and doing a general research on assignment one, it is clear that customer voice do drives strategic marketing decision, however, I learn that the best way to ensure that all these strategic marketing decision are implemented and executed where necessary, with maximum results, is to ensure that managers overseeing the implementation of these process ensure that all the necessary steps are taken with constant follow-up in order to have the required results and these processes maybe the deciding factor in a company growth and development. In all industries includes Amazon’s ecommerce industry is no different, there are competent and qualify team members that will help curve the shape of an organization, not to mention the suppliers who products the organization depends on. Going forward these are the areas we must focus on if we intend to get any results because if a company want the best then we must recruit the best, if we want the best product we most source the best suppliers thus proving to our customer that we want the best for them, then follow it up with fast, efficient and reliable delivery of products at the best possible

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