
Case Study: Boston Conservatory At Berklee: Internship

Satisfactory Essays

Boston Conservatory at Berklee: Costume Shop
Internship: A hands on learning experience of a real, functioning Costume shop. Skills in fashion and design that are unique to staging. In this internship you would be sewing, designing, drafting patterns, etc. Also, you will have the opportunity to interact with other designers, directors, choreographers, and everyone in between.

What interests me about this position:
I am a firm believer that you learn by the act of doing. Talking about something and actually getting your hands on something are two different things. In being so involved, you’re so close to environments of Opera, musical and theater productions; which are creative bee hives that is fast paced and always moving.

What my strengths are as they relate to this position:
Since I was 16 I have regularly worked in a fast moving environment. I like to stay busy and keep up with new challenges put in front of me. I think I would be able to keep up with my fellow workers. I have a background in sewing and an extreme interest in costuming. …show more content…

What steps can I take now to better prepare myself:
I think obviously I can practice sewing. I can teach myself, or get lessons in different types of stitching. Practice makes perfect, so the more practice I receive the better I will become.

What academic/ professional experience are required to succeed in this role:
The only rule is you cannot be an enrolled student at Berklee University.

The Berklee Conservatory puts on professional productions. As a prestigious school, Berklee is a name that, on any resume, would evoke interest. Having an internship could open a slew of job opportunities. Boston is a popular US city with a lot of traffic coming in and out of it. The only other city I would consider to be more prestigious in the northeast area is New York

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