
Case Study Diabetic Ketoacidosis

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Initial diagnosis For Patient 1
The initial diagnosis is Diabetic ketoacidosis (DK) adding the symtoms of type 1 diabetes ( hyperglycemia). Once the patient arrives at the hospital, the initial interventions will focus on an aggressive management of glucose, electrolyte, and the volume of blood of the patient. A finger stick and Ketone test will be the initial action to undertake, because it will first confirm the existence of a diabetes condition (Baillie, 2012). If the level of ketone is high during the test, then there is a presence of ketoacidosis. Pathophysiologic Explanations
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DK) normally has a characteristic of a bicarbonate level of less than 18mEq/L, a hyperglycemia of above 250 mg/dL, and high pH’s of 7.3 because of ketonuria and ketonemia (Kitabchi et al., 2013). …show more content…

The situation forces the liver to release more glucose than necessary. Therefore, the primary treatment for this patient will be insulin and intravenous fluid. Depending on the severity of the condition, the patient will need an insulin injection through the skin or intravenously as directed by the physician (Bialo et al., 2015). Moreover, as part of the plan to manage the disease, there must be the immediate replacement of the lost fluid depending on the level of dehydration in the patient. There must also be the replacement of electrolytes while trying to suppress the production of ketone and high blood sugars using insulin. Likewise, reliant on the level of the stability of the patient after the initial treatment, the doctor might recommend the patient to be in the ICU or general ward for scrutiny only. The admission will provide the nurse with an opportunity to observe the high the level of blood sugars, electrolytes, and changes of ketones in a matter of

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