Scenario 2: Gary M. was arrested by the FBI when he showed up at a local mall to meet a "14 year old girl" for a date, which he arranged over the Internet. He didn't know that the "14 year old girl" was a 35-year old male FBI agent. Category of crime, crimes of public morality referring to cybercrime, charges Iowa code 705.1 solicitiation of a minor felony up to 5 years imprisonment and fines (Reuters, 2017).
Scenario 3: Elaine R. was an accountant working for a large corporation. She had been falsifying the accounting records and sending some of the corporate funds to her own bank accounts in an offshore bank. The corporation found out what she had been doing and reported her to the police. Category of crime white collar crimes, Elaine
Additionally, the Gesualdi also mention various crimes that are covered under the ambit of white collar crimes. They include fraudulent activities at the workplace, dealing in unsafe products, lack of provision of safe working conditions and corruption (Gesualdi 41).
1. Create and interpret Commonwealth’s statement of cash flows for 2013. What information does it provide regarding the HMO’s sources and uses of cash over the past year?
The case study analyzes Crazy Eddie. Crazy Eddie was convicted of white collar crime through fraud triangle. Crazy Eddie involved in fraud through incentives, opportunity and rationalization. Crazy Eddie reported lacking rationalization but confirmed that incentives and opportunity were working. The company also reported lacking morality and excuses. Crazy Eddie executed its business without taking into account moral implications of doing business. Crazy Eddie illegally adjusted returns to avoid paying excessive tax thus faulting the federal government millions of dollars (Foderaro, 1998). Crazy Eddie paid workers off books to avoid compiling tax returns. Crazy Eddie administrators worked closely with external and internal auditors on reaching consensus about their illegal financial dishonest. Crazy Eddie overstated income to the public to attract people dumb stock at inflated prices using a variety of tricks. There were cases of money laundering aimed at increasing revenue reports to attract investors. Crazy Eddie inflated inventory assets to increase earned revenue. There were also cases of cut-off fraud that were done through decreasing accounts payable liabilities to increase reported returns. Debit memo was also practiced. The company’s financial records indicated fictitious purchase discounts and trade allowances to send customer friendly image against competitors.
In my white collar crime example, I am an employee. I’ve been working at this company for fourteen years. My coworker and I are responsible for handling the checks. My boss put me in charge for depositing money in the bank. The checks that I am supposed to deposit, I usually keep it for myself. I’ve deposited money on time sometimes to make things not look suspicious. My motivation for pocketing the money is because I don’t get enough money. I am a single mother with four children and I need money to support my kids and making sure that they have everything that they need. There are some nights when I don’t eat because I don’t have the money to buy anything for myself. This is the one of the easiest
According to the case The Unusual Suspect, Diann had committed the embezzlement fraud that she pleaded guilty to embezzling approximately $500,000 from her employer and sentenced for 18 months in Florida prison. Diann's fraud scheme is an example of an anti-organizational crime, and she had committed several types of the fraud schemes such as: First, she started from mistakenly pay for her vacation expense through her company account, Second, she used to call the payroll company and told the company to make change to her salary range. Third, she made duplication of her bonus checks. Diann also fraud her employer by misclassifying expenses.
On Monday, January 4, 2016 at approximately 9:45am I was informed by Security Manager Mark Warren that a facility employee named Terry Gibbons called to report some tiles where removed from the salt room by Richard Hicks.
Undoubtedly, the corporate executives’ and in some cases managers’ greed literally destroyed the credibility and reputation of the entire corporations. As indicated by Friedrichs (2012), if executives and managers are best positioned to steal millions, sometimes lower-level employees succeed in doing so as well. Unfortunate, these white-collar crimes are increasing in society. As a matter of fact, estimates provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) routinely suggested that far more is lost to white-collar crimes than to traditional property crimes such as larceny, robbery, and burglary. In addition, white-collar offenses have the potential to cause serious physical and emotional damage to victims (Payne, 2016).
The presenter, Gary Slavit, introduced himself and provided an introduction to the meaning of projects in which case it is a temporary endeavor, a specific outcome, is unique and has high risk. Furthermore, there are reasons behind performing projects which is accomplishing the mission, the objectives, the goals and the activities. In addition, the project DNA consists of a dynamic plan, high risk, exec support, control change and cancelable. As for the project management formality, the more complex it is, the more risk there is in which case it is best to cancel it rather than take the risk. To further explain, cancelling is considered a smart business decision rather than a failure. If this process continued, taking the risk will lead to
On the morning of May 7th, 2000 the murder of Mary Ann Stephens occurred. She was a tourist to Jacksonville, Florida along with her husband. The two were staying at the Ramada Inn Hotel and had just came from breakfast when they were approached by a young black man who held them at gunpoint, took Mrs. Stephens' purse then proceeded to shoot her between the eyes. When the police first arrived, the elderly woman's body was several inches away from the path on which her and her husband were walking along to get back to their room. Her body was strewn across the grass, covered in blood with the bullet and it's wound being clearly visible to the naked eye. This case became controversial and it is believed that there was racial
S.R is a 69-year old man who presents to the clinic because his “wife complains that his snoring is difficult to live with.”
White collar crime is not a victimless crime. People’s lives can be ruined through the loss of a job, loss of savings and loss of assets. It is hard to not hear about white collar crime when looking at news. While not a justification for illegal actions, pressure is very high for companies to perform well and show growth. This pressure can lead people to commit crimes to falsify results or to enrich themselves. Laws and regulation, such as Sarbanes-Oxley have been implemented to provide greater transparency and accountability. However, the crime has become more sophisticated and complex. Many examples of such crimes involve greed and feelings of entitlement. One such
Periodically, business magazines like Fortune, Forbes, the economist, International—among others, publishes the results of surveys, ranking big corporations by sales, assets, profits and market share. The purpose of these surveys is to identify and celebrate the most profitable corporations. Our era is best known for its booming markets and profits, but it is also a decade of widespread corporate criminality. The number of activities that involved acts committed through deceits and motivated by financial gain has increased considerably. Terms such as “Corporate Crime” or “White Collar Crime” are used to describe a variety of these activities.
Kaiser Manufacturing Company has been in business for over 50 years using the standard method staffing. Hiring its own employees, training, managing and all human resources issues were all handled in house. The option is now arising to use an employment agency, FSS, to relieve the burden from Kaiser Manufacturing Company. It is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this option before changing the entire business plan Kaiser Manufacturing Company has worked so long. The advantages include, flexible staff numbers, as of current Kaiser Manufacturing Company has a workforce of 725 production workers, 30 clerical workers, 32 engineer and professional
According to Langton & Piquero (2007), there has been much debate on the definition of white-collar crime and also the types of crime that should be labeled “white-collar.” Although some scholars have argued that crime should be committed by someone in high power, others have also argued that crime must be committed by the person during the course of that person’s occupation. Most recently, “white-collar crime” has been defined as any financial offenses committed through the use of some combinations of fraud, dishonesty, or conspiracy. According to Sutherland (1940), white-collar criminality is expressed in all corporations. In business, it is more frequent in the form of manipulation such as stock exchange, misrepresentation in financial
matters are called white collar crimes. White collar crimes involve most of the same legal