
Case Study: Herpes Simplex Outbreak

Decent Essays

I posted about a week ago about my boyfriend having cold sores (Herpes Simplex) and I was worried and wanted to avoid catching it. We ceased all contact for a week. Now the lesion is healed and totally gone from his mouth (he only had one). The place where the cold sore was is a bit darker than the rest of the skin, but the skin has healed and closed up pretty well. Is it safe for us to re-establish contact, such as kissing now? Also, has anyone used L-Lysine for cold core outbreaks with success? Is it good to take it regularly for preventing new cold sore outbreaks? I hear L-Lysine is helpful in preventing shingles outbreaks... so I imagine if that's the case, it can also help with a Herpes Simplex outbreak.... Thank you for all

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