
Case Study Late Night Eating

Decent Essays

6 Smart Ways to Quit Late Night Eating
The list is long when it comes to unhealthy habits that people indulge themselves into. But however long the list becomes, late night eating is one of the worse ones that we seem to find difficult to get rid of. It’s become this terrible habit you’ve grown accustomed to that you still eat late at night even when you’re not hungry. As we all know, eating later in the evening cause you to consume more calories that your body requires, leading to weight gain.
Here are 6 things you can do to rectify the whole late-night eating issue:
1. Determine the reason behind it
Some people eat a lot during the evening or late at night when it should be your last meal of the day that needs to be at the lightest. Nighttime …show more content…

Seek professional help
If you think you’re experiencing symptoms of nighttime eating syndrome or binge eating disorder, the next course of action is to consult your doctor. An expert can help determine your triggers and impose a treatment plan. One of the plans used to treat these disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
5. Learn how to relax
Stress and anxiety are two of the most typical reasons why people eat despite not being hungry. However, food as means to control negative emotions isn’t the smartest solution. If you notice that you always turn to food when you’re stressed or nervous, find another way to release the negativities without filling your stomach needlessly. One way is to learn how to de-stress. This includes breathing exercises, meditation, hot baths, yoga, mild workouts or stretching.
6. Get rid of junk foods
If you’re prone to eating junk foods late at night, get rid of them. If the junks aren’t accessible for eating, then you’re less likely to eat them. Rather than stocking chips and cookies, fill your kitchen with healthy snacks that you also enjoy. There are lots of healthy snacks that are actually enjoyable. There are fruits, nuts, berries, cottage cheese, and yogurts, among others, to choose

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