Topic: Eating a Good Breakfast Audience Analysis: At least half of the class skips breakfast 1-2 days a week. Therefore, I will not only focus on why breakfast is so important, and the positive results from eating breakfast, but also the negative effects from not eating breakfast in the morning. General Purpose: To persuade the audience. Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that eating breakfast is important to good health. Thesis: Starting off your day with a good healthy breakfast helps you maintain a healthy body weight and to be more productive throughout your day. INTRODUCTION (Question of Value) Have you ever asked yourself “ why can’t I lose weight?” How do I get rid of this three inch spare tire around my …show more content…
The morning meal usually breaks a fast time without food that has lasted from 8 to 12 hours while you sleep. Since your last meal or snack, your body’s supply of blood sugar (glucose) has dropped to a low point. The body needs desires food to produce the glucose that is necessary to keep you going. Without breakfast, some people become less able to do physical work in the late morning hours and some students do not perform well in the classroom. Family life did a study in 1997 and discovered that the score of standard mathematics of students who ate breakfast was 13 points higher than the students who didn’t. (Logos) Lifestyle and many researches have said that eating breakfast leads to successful weight loss. (Logos) Understanding the body’s reaction to starvation is necessary. Food service director Karen Rubin said, if you don’t eat foods for long hours, the brain thinks that you are going to starve, as a result the body consumes more cholesterol and fat for storing energy. In the brochure Runner’s World stated: 78 percent of people who lost more than 30 lbs. and kept it off ate breakfast 7 days a week. (Statistic) Eating breakfast helps you spread out your hunger and control your food intake throughout the day makes you the boss of how you eat the rest of the day. A. A nutritious breakfast provides energy to face the day ahead, both physically and mentally. People skip
Some say breakfast really isn’t that important. states that, breakfast is not healthier people who don’t eat breakfast are usually the ones who don’t exercise and grab a doughnut on their way to work, eat junk food at noon and a big dinner in front of the TV. This can be true but, some other breakfast foods can be unhealthy also not just a doughnut. Daron Taylor claims that, “If English citizens suddenly began to eat a traditional English breakfast every day, one that comes in at a whopping 855 calories with over 2,000 grams of sodium, the United Kingdom would most likely be facing a monumental national health crisis. The author doesn’t explain why, breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. NPR’s Allison Aubrey claims that “a breakfast of just this kind of sugary cereal is not the way to start the day.” What the author fails to consider is that some people don’t have the money to go eat a healthy breakfast each day.
Cause 1: What causes the poor academic performance in children due to food insecurity is that they do not eat breakfast. The saying breakfast is the most important meal of the day is not just folk lore or a buzz phrase. The article by Sheila Terry and Kimberly Kerry, “Classroom Breakfast: Helping Maryland Students Make the Grade” published in the March 2000 issue of the Maryland State Department of Education, reports that “over a two-year period, classroom breakfast schools showed a 22% improvement in that score, [MSPAP test], compared to a 13% improvement for control schools
The importance of a healthy breakfast cannot be underestimated. A child who is undernourished in the morning will not be functional for her class until lunch. Also, schools can act as supporters of positive, healthy behaviors by offering nutritious breakfasts such as fruit and yogurt, versus the fast food breakfasts some adolescents might grab, if they get breakfast at all. Many school districts are beginning earlier and earlier in the day, and students are simply not hungry enough or do not get up early enough in the morning for breakfast, leaving them starving by 10am. Being able to grab breakfast in study hall can thus prevent many potential academic and nutritional problems.
Your brain needs fuel and energy so you can concentrate better at school. When you eat breakfast your brain is fully charged and you will be ready for school. However, most students don’t have time to eat breakfast because of the time school starts. When kids don’t eat they get tired a little faster. This kind of mixes in with the school times because you need time to eat breakfast, but if you don’t have time to eat breakfast schools should have little breakfast bars for students to eat to hold them before lunch so they can concentrate and do spectacular in
If he or she has a physical education class, or has an extra curricular sport after school, he or she may not have the energy needed coming from not having the very most important meal of the day. Even if the child is going to recess they need the energy from that first meal. Eating breakfast can lead to a healthy kid which will decrease sick days where the child may fall behind in school work.
Lack of nutrition can cause children to not perform well in school. Eating breakfast can help students perform well in school by giving them energy and helping them focus. With breakfast, kids are healthier and happier. Kids who eat breakfast have been shown to attend more days of school and achieve higher scores on math tests. Kids that come to school hungry have problems in school. They have lack of energy, poor academic performance and inability to concentrate. They aren't able to focus on their schoolwork or interact with their teachers and classmates. Kids that don't eat enough can result in low academic achievement. Hungry
As scholars are constantly reminded to eat a healthy portion of breakfast before testing, most scholars find themselves wondering, “Would eating breakfast really improve my performance?” According to many psychologists, consuming breakfast may have benefits in performance, but to an extent. However, some have also deduced that breakfasts may also harm the performance of scholars. Nonetheless, scholars who eat a healthy breakfast seem to have higher energy levels and ability than those who did not because of the nutrients consumed and absorbed by the body and mind. Consuming breakfasts would have beneficial effects on learning, to an extent; however, the different types of breakfasts could also have detrimental effects as well. The goal of this research is to determine not if breakfasts improve academic performance, but by how much? In addition, to the fact that there are possible “side effects” to this method of improvement, which leads to ask, are all breakfasts healthy? Scholars eating breakfast in order to improve performance may be possible for academic performance. However, if scholars believe and reason over the fact that eating breakfast does improve academic performance, then the effects of school behavior would be tested. Consuming a breakfast does provide nutrients for the body and mind. However, the nutrients provided could only benefit the body and mind to such a limit. Then, there is also the
For food to be considered a proper breakfast, it must be nutrient rich and eaten within thirty minutes to one hour of being awake. Although I typically make healthy food chooses, I find that I wait a tremendous amount of time before eating. Almost every morning, I exceeded the allotted amount of time between when I wake and when I eat breakfast by at least twenty minutes, and often times wait long enough for the meal to not even be considered breakfast. Despite the nourishing food a
Transition: However, it seems that these are all things too severe and don’t connect to breakfast. But they do. Eating in the morning sets your pace for all day and as college students, you need all the energy you can get to retain all the crap you’ll learn. I feel however that as more young people fall into the fitness craze that the simple fact of eating a healthy
The myth we’ve been told their whole life, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, but how true it is? Many people around the world skip their breakfast because of reasons. Some claimed that they don’t have time, some are too lazy for that, but not many of them know the consequence. There are several negative effects of skipping a breakfast.
THESIS STATEMENT: Breakfast is an essential part of your morning routine because it kickstarts your metabolism, helps you concentrate and perform better in class, and aids in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
My target area began as a focus on eating more in general. The food available at PSP was not always ideal, many times the food was either unhealthy or there simply weren’t enough options that I enjoyed. As a result, I noticed that my weight began to significantly decline and I desperately wanted to allay this problem. After completing my log sheets over three weeks, I came to the realization that the bulk of my missed meals came in the morning. I would sleep until eight to make sure that I received adequate sleep, however, I realized that in doing this; I was forgoing breakfast which was negatively affecting my health and my performance at Cornell. In fact, “research involving adults and children has indicated that breakfast might enhance memory, attention, the speed of processing information, reasoning, creativity, learning, and verbal abilities” (Consumer Reports). No matter a person’s age, breakfast is a vital part of their life.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Who here didn’t have their breakfast this morning? I bet most of you did. I used to be one of those too until last month when I did a research on Biology and by chance, came across a fact about how important breakfast is. I believe that as soon as you heard the topic, you will assume that I am going to give you a life lesson as your parents do. “Breakfast is the most essential meal” is spoken by every mother, yet the reasons why we should eat breakfast have never been clarified more clearly and seriously. The following speech will highlight that breakfast is required for three main reasons; first, it helps improve our grades; second, it controls our balance diet; and more importantly; it can promote
Breakfast is the meal that we eat during the day. It’s our first meal and it’s also considered to be the most important meal of the day. When we were young, our parents will always wake us up early before school to make sure that we eat our breakfast. We’ve always dreaded having to wake up that early just to eat in the morning. Since then, we’ve always thought that breakfast is the most important meal during the day. We did not only learn this from our parents, but also through cereal advertisements, our school, and so much more. It’s been a common knowledge that if we skipped breakfast, we would not have enough energy for the day. Skipping breakfast will affect our day to day activities. We would feel tired in the morning, we wouldn’t be performing properly in school or at work.
We always hear our parents say, “Eat breakfast so you can do well in school today.” However is what they say is really true? My research topic is, “Does eating breakfast really help students do better in school?” I chose this topic because I am not really a breakfast person. However, every morning my parents force me to eat breakfast so “my brain can wake up”.