
Case Study: Louisville Home Inspectors Gather At Lakehaven

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Louisville Home Inspectors Gather at Lakehaven Lakehaven recently played host to some of the most elite Louisville home inspection companies. The conference which also doubled as a media parley addressed many topical issues. One of the cardinal matters that were raised includes how to work with the various regulatory bodies. Most home inspection Louisville KY businesses emphasized that despite their affiliation with the various Home Inspection agencies; there was no conflict of interest. It was agreed that the status quo should be maintained while any grey areas would be addressed at another meeting which was scheduled for next year. The other home inspection topics that were raised include the licensing of home inspectors, the use of modern tools for home inspection, formation of a system that allows companies carry out peer reviews, addressing the pricing of home inspection services and so much more. The event was well attended by various organizations such as ABI Home Inspection Services, Home Inspection Services LLC, Commonwealth Home Inspections, Proven Home Inspection Service Inc., AAA Professional Home Inspectors LLC and so many others. …show more content…

They stated that the home inspection field is quite challenging but with the right skills, anyone can rise to the top. One of the participants raised the need to have a home inspection training school. He stated beyond helping the home inspection companies in Louisville, it will help other businesses to have a pool of talent that they can employ. A lot of ideas were raised on the best way to run the school but it was collectively agreed that a final decision will be taken on the subject in their meeting next

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