
Case Study : My Brother Faustino Jr Gonzales

Decent Essays

I have decided to do my case study on my nephew Faustino Jr Gonzales. Faustino is 6 years and 1-month-old born on October 9, 2009, at 3:06 PM weight 7 pounds 15 ounces. . He was born in Hermann Memorial southeast. Faustino is the youngest of four. He has a sister her name is Leah she is 13 years old, Ian and Ari are fraternal twins age of 7. Faustino’s brothers have been diagnosed with Autism. Today, Faustino weighs 47 pounds and he is 42 inches tall. Tito (He prefers people call him by his nickname) has dark brown hair, medium honey tan skin with light brown eyes. His mother is a UT graduate and he’s father is a Mechanic. Faustino attends KIPP PEACE Elementary School he is in kindergarten. I decided to my case study on Faustino because he is the only child who is in the early childhood stage. Crystal who is Faustino’s mother stated that her son is a healthy child that she has only taken him to the doctor once. When she took him to the doctor that one time it was because Faustino and his older brother were jumping in the trampoline; Faustino fell off the trampoline. She does not know details on how Faustino fell off the trampoline she says Faustino, Ian and Ari all say different stories.She states that the doctor just took X-rays to confirm that he was not injured and recommended for an adult to always be supervising. “ Boy’s higher activity level and greater impulsivity and risk taking explain why they are more likely to be injured and to suffer severe injuries than

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