
Case Study Of A Business Case For A Disease Prevention Unit For High-Risk Groups

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Business Case for a Disease Prevention Unit for High-Risk Groups
Our healthcare organization has an opportunity to increase revenue and be more involved in the community by providing a new service that is relevant to our community of African Americans and Latinos. We propose adding a new unit that will focus on preventive care disease testing that targets high-risk patients.
Risk and Mitigation Analysis
By identifying opportunities for improved health through preventative disease testing, can transform lifestyles of individuals and our healthcare organization. Promoting health is an efficient way to improve and protect the health of our communities that will lead to improved population health outcomes according to Rural …show more content…

Other uncertainties in a rural area that are common include but not limited to are low health literacy, cultural and social norms surrounding health behaviors and merely the ability to pay for treatment.
The risks could pose a threat to the proposed new unit financial stability because there are barriers to overcome in rural communities, such as higher poverty rates, and the lack of access to healthy foods and physical activity options that would assist in disease management.
The economic perspective involves more than the cost associated with diseases, whether it is medical care cost or productivity losses (McDaid, Sassi, & Merkur, 2015, Chapter 1, pg. 3). There is a risk in not providing early detection of chronic diseases through preventative testing that can contribute to our community economic stability and understanding of the different pathways available. To be successful in offering preventative testing to prevent chronic diseases, it is essential to know what programs already exist in the community that is successful. By partnering with existing businesses in town the success of a healthy community can go a long way. Programs offered at the local community centers such as fitness programs for seniors and children would help to

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