
Case Study Of Dementia

Decent Essays

Dementia is a diffused deterioration in brain neural function that is produced by a number of causes and disease processes. Dementia is not a normal aging process; it is a progressive disease that must be managed. Patients with this disease become fully dependent on others with time. Dementia is characterized by memory loss, disturbed thinking, and difficulties in language, calculations, and learning. Consciousness is preserved in a demented patient. (1) According to studies that have been conducted worldwide since 1980, a number of 46.8 million cases were reported, and this is to be doubled every 20 years. Moreover, worldwide, a new case of dementia will occur every 3 seconds. Dementia is a serious disease that places a heavy burden on families, institutions and countries. It is not only a biological disease; it also has psychological, social, and economical aspects. (2) Dementia is not a single disease. It describes a group of diseases with similar presentations. Causes of dementia include vascular events, metabolic …show more content…

These costs are increasing rapidly to make dementia a trillion US dollar disease in 2018. Eventually becoming to 2 trillion US dollars disease by 2030 as estimated.(2) That is why dementia has a global burden; it has an affect on families, society and economy. Dementia reduce the quality of life to a level where patients become fully dependent on their family, that is why family members face physical, psychological and economical challenges. The society and institution face a huge burden, since such disease requires community, family and patient awareness as well as medical services, and the need of those requirements is increasing. Moreover, Some families had to quit work in order to provide care for their beloved ones; such action will reduce the productivity of society and it will eventually affect the

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