
Case Study Of TPDDL

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While many employees were happy with the result TPDDL has achieved, few had other things in their mind, hunger for better results. TPDDL has brought down the AT&C loss from 53% in 2002 to 15% in a span of 7 years. TPDDL has achieved great milestones in the electricity distribution business be it National Award for Meritorious Performance from Ministry of Power or the prestigious Edison Award on technology front. Till 2009, TPDDL had tackled the HIGH END consumers who stole mainly because of GREED. The challenge, as identified in 2009, ahead was tackling low end and high loss JJ Consumers (Slum dwellers) who were primarily stealing due to NEED - Abandoned & neglected Segment across stakeholders. TPDDL social commitment can be easily seen through their CSR Policy.
Brief Snapshot of Main Scenario:
Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL) is a Public Private Partnership of The Government of NCT Delhi and Tata Power Company Limited (Tata Power) came into existence in 2002 as a result of power sector reforms in the financially weakening power distribution sector in the Delhi. TPDDL faced a variety of challenges ranging from operational efficiency to commercial viability. Instead of going the traditional way TPDDL chose …show more content…

By 2002 the state run vertically integrated utility was trifurcated into Generation Company, Transmission Company and Distribution Company. The distribution company was further trifurcated and three joint venture distribution companies came into existence in 2002 vide the PPP (Public Private Partnership) model. One of the Distribution Companies is Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. (then NDPL) is a joint venture of Delhi Government and Tata Power. The company was faced with huge challenges ranging from operational efficiency to commercial

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