
Case Study: Satib Insurance Brokers

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From the case study we can conclude by saying that indeed Satib insurance brokers do take responsibility to manage for risks experienced by their clients. Though court procedures must be followed before any liability settlements. Because a lability insurance in negligence based (fault must be proven in the court of law).
After being proven negligent the insurance to cover for: Economic stability, considering the case study, the injured guest position at both work and family was considered when settling damages done financially so. This includes the costs for ongoing medical care. Productivity, the fact that the injured guest wouldn't be able to continue to perform his daily income earning duties was considered, the settled liability cost is also granted to cater for his economic loss until he gets better and can go back to work that’s if he happens to heal. Family This takes us back to the covered ongoing medical care the only thing to be considered by the family is supporting their injured bread …show more content…

If these things are not properly insured, you could land up in financial difficulties. Old Mutual Insure Personal insurance includes – All sure which is personal insurance that caters for unexpected events and which can be customized to suit individual requirements. With All sure you can cover all your assets in one comprehensive cover. This cover includes home structure, household contents, vehicles, caravan and trailers, valuable items such as jewellery, watches, personal computers and specified items. It includes homeowners cover, household goods insurance, motor cover, cover for valuable items, personal liability cover, personal accident cover, personal computer insurance, legal cost cover, identity theft cover, Motor sure is a motor only policy designed to protect only your motor vehicles against accidents, theft and fire. It covers private motor cars and goods

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