
Case Study Scenario

Satisfactory Essays

Scenario 1
1. The problem in this story is that Five-year-old Temeka is not accepting the teacher’s response and she keeps repeating the same situation about the children playing to close to the fence.
2. My personal feeling about this behavior is that Five-year-old Temeka is trying to get the teacher’s attention by telling her things that is irrelevant and don’t have any meaning to it.
3. Some of the reasons may be that Tameka wants attention. Another reason could be that Temeka is concerned that something may happen to the children, even though they are inside the fence.
4. The steps the adult will take to resolve this problem is to walk with Tameka to the fence. Then demonstrate to her that the fences are close and it’s okay for the children to play …show more content…

The problem in the story is that Three- year-old Jamal is at the teacher’s work place taking things out of her drawer and he is also playing with the computer without permission and his mother is not saying anything to him about his behavior.
2. My persona feelings about this behavior is that Three-year-old Jamal mother needs to stop him from going into the teacher drawer and from playing with the computer so that he does not think that it’s okay to act this way when she is not there with him.
3. Some of the reasons for this behavior maybe because Three- year- old Jamal mother allows Jamal to take things out of her drawer at home and play on the computer and she does say anything to him at home, so he thinks it’s okay to go in the drawer and play on the computer in the classroom. The mother has accepted his behavior.
4. The steps the adult will take to resolve the problem is to take Jamal to the drawer and explain to him that the drawer is not for the students to play with, however redirect him to the dramatic play area and tell him that he can play in that area with the drawer. Also explain to Jamal that he is not allowed to get on the computer without permission from the teacher.


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