the subpoena was sent to Verizon Legal Compliance by Michael Trudeau on October 31, 2011. The subpoena specifically requested: “subscriber and billing listings and all calls derived from a special computer run regarding incoming and outgoing calls, and subscriber and billing listings made to and from telephone numbers (508) 939-9183 and (508) 693-9286 from October 17, 2011 to October 19, 2011.”
Verizon Legal Compliance responded to the administrative subpoena with a ten-page fax on November 17, 2011. [Attachment #4] The contents of the fax included a cover sheet, a blank page, five pages of phone records, and a fax confirmation sheet; it is unknown what pages nine and ten included, as it was not provided to bar counsel. It is possible that pages nine and ten were copies of the original faxed subpoena. The records provided only appear to be a list of phone numbers and do not indicate which subpoenaed number they correlate with, when a call was made, and if a call was made or received. Laura Marshard’s home number, Gabe Grasing’s home number, and Mary Grasing’s home phone number all appear on the list.
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In addition to specific phone numbers, all subpoenas included language requesting that the carrier search for any phone lines associated with Laura Marshard, Gabe Grasing, and Mary Grasing. [Attachment #5] Per bar counsel’s subpoena to Verizon landline, bar counsel learned that Gabe Grasing’s home landline was owned by Comcast from 10.1.11 through 11.6.11, therefore it is reasonable to the conclude that the records the DA’s Office sent an administrative subpoena for only pertain to Mary Grasing. The significance of this will be discussed further later in this
The case dealt with Jeff Quon, a police sergeant at the Ontario Police Department who was issued a pager in October of 2001 because of his work on the the department 's SWAT Team. Quon allegedly went over his allotted number of text messages on his department issued pager a repeated number of times, which resulted in an additional fee that Quon paid. The department took notice of the high number of messages and decided to look into the matter to see if the limit was set too low and to make sure the messages being sent on the company pagers were work related. During their review of the transcripts they found many personal messages, which resulted in Quon being reprimanded by the department. Quon felt the actions of his workplace were unfair on the basis of the Fourth Amendment and brought action against the city. It is important to note that before the pagers were issued to employees, a Computer Policy was announced for every employee that stated the department “reserves the right to monitor and log all network activity including e-mail and Internet use, with or without notice [and] users should have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality when using these resources”. The trial judge originally believed that Quon was right to expect the messages he sent using the pager owned by his workplace were going to be kept private. However, the judge eventually determined at the trial that the police department
On March 1, 2017 at approximately 0830 hours, I was contacted by Deputy Ghere and SSGT. A. Alcon reference a violation of a protection order by a male named Winbourn, Lonnie (DOB 12-31-1962) who resides at 24043 MC RD L, within the County of Montezuma, State of Colorado.
Mrs. Gueits provided her information to the Division of her current address to the Division and to her daughter Jasenya Gueits. The Division did not disclose her whereabouts to any other service provider her whereabouts in Florida.
On 07/14/2016, at approx. 1230 hours, I made contact with Jennifer Dombrosky (Najera) the mother of Nick Merva and Kevin Najera. She said her children did receive the court subpoena and were aware of the hearing. She indicated Kevin's condition has become worse since the incident and he has an uncontrollable studder and hand tremor due to the trauma. I said I would have the ADA contact her to discuss the case. I forwarded her phone number that she supplied to ADA Hoppes.
Irina Lakotiy reported her son, Oleg Lakotiy, was violating a protection order by being at her residence. Irina stated she picked up Oleg at Valley Medical Center in Renton, gave him a ride to her residence, and was concerned Oleg was possibly high on drugs. Oleg was listed as the respondent and Irina was listed as the petitioner of a DV Protection Order out of King Co Superior Court # 16-2-05363. The order stated Oleg was restrained from coming near and having any contact whatsoever in person, or through others, except by phone, and was prohibited from knowingly coming within, or knowingly remaining with 500 feet of Irina's residence. I contacted Oleg inside of a children’s play house, which is in the back yard of Irina's residence. Because
Wilke, Fleury, Hoffelt, Gould & Birney, David A. Frenznick and Anthony J. DeCristoforo, for Defendant Robert Del Pero.
On June 25, 2017 at approximately 2127 hours I was conducting a security round in Dorm B. Inmate Throm, Tina approached me and asked if she could talk to me outside the dorm. I finished the security round and had Throm step out. She explained that she was concerned that inmate Oyler, Samantha was being taken advantage of by inmate Ovard, Maddeline pressuring her to use her phone account.
On August 26, 2015, you responded to 41 Olsen Rd. Cocoa in reference to a violation of a "no contact" order. During your investigation you developed probable cause to arrest Alicia Balderston for violating a "no contact" order that was issued on August 20, 2015 due to a domestic violence arrest. During this call you took written statements from the victim and two witnesses.
On February 8, 2017 at approximately 2023 hours, I responded to 9280 Atlas Drive in reference to report a missing juvenile. Upon my arrival, I made contact with Sara Crosby (complainant) who advised me of the following via verbal and a sworn written statement:
found a call was made to O.J.’s girlfriend, Paula Barbieri, at 10:03 on Simpson’s car phone. Authorities
c. Gavoni is only a GS-5 and but has Child Support and student loans payments.
Victim’s Summary: Linda said she filed for PO-17-421 on Wenesday, November 29th, 2017 against James. Linda said James had drove by her home loacted at 35156 West 21st Street in Mannford on Wenesday, Novemeber 29th, 2017. Linda said the road to her home is on a dead end street and James did not have a reason to be by the home. Linda was trying to file a violation of protective order report over the phone on Thursdat, November 30th, 2017. Linda said she recieved a missed call from James on Thursday, November 30th, 2017. Linda said she had James served on Wenesday, Novemeber 29th, 2017 by the Sapulpa Police when James was in Sapulpa.
The case facts clearly state that information was available to Mr. Comerford regarding the tracking of his phone’s International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI). In fact, they could be found on a website address printed in the phone manual. Additionally, as an ex-attorney, Mr. Comerford should be aware of tracking technology to
What made matters even worse they had been calling my old cell phone that I don’t use anymore but it is still active. Even though I had given Veterans Law Group the new phone number and address change over a year ago at their request when they send out case information updates. Mark Lipman would not know that because he has placed my case on the back