Hardship is something everyone must overcome at some point in their lives. Everyone deals with hardships differently. It is harder for some people to recover from hardship because of their family, friends, or even because they can’t find the will within themselves to deal with hardships. It would be easier for someone who is naturally determined and strong willed to overcome things because they have a inbred ability to conquer their fears and leave behind whatever it was that was making their life unbearable. If parents don’t support their kids decisions, such as Jeannette going to New York, then that can make it harder to triumph over things they struggle with. If friends don’t encourage someone to go on and make something better of themselves, they will hold them back and they will be stuck in the life everyone expects them to live. Many parents support their children to learn from their mistakes and make better choices than what they made when they were a kid and even now. Friends can be a huge part in trying to get over things that they are struggling from. With the right support and help from them it makes it that much easier to overcome hardships. The person struggling must find it within themselves to be a better person each day. Not everyone has the same chance of recovery, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t do it. They may just have to worker harder, but that means the reward will be that much better. Jeannette started from the bottom, in a small town with an
Hardships are : test that prove what you really are made of . You’re either a person who succeeds in the attempt or fails. Are you willing to learn from , and overcome problems of everyday life. In life with no struggles their no gain because we learn from our struggles.
We are often exposed to face daily obstacles in our lifetime, however as much as these obstacles seem to have an appearance of bad luck, they can sometimes be turned out to help us in our advantage. These impediments often help us find another solution for complications that we have no power over, like my mother always said, “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.” Therefore, whenever I am involved in a specific hurdle I tend to make the best out of whatever I can. I believe that by having these certain complications in your life, you are taught to overpower these difficulties, become a stronger individual, and also to become independent.
situations in order to live a successful life. Hardships is something we all face and it’s
Everyone has had hardships in their life, but some people overcome them better than others, but Even though the hardships they always influence your life for the better in one way or another. Hardships can influence a person's life by making them stronger.
Hardship is one of the few things that can change your life. It also can change you as a person, because in life there will be many challenges yet the only thing that matters is how you handle it. Hardship isn't made to be easy, the word itself has “hard” in it which means it will take strength and your inner will to succeed through all the obstacles that you have to face.
Adversity and difficulties are an inherent part of life that everyone has to handle, but is it possible they actually help people reach their highest potential? Difficulties bring out the skills and strengths that otherwise would have never been accessed. Horace could not have been wiser when he said “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant,” and he could not have been wiser. There are many people who had an easy life or were born into their success who are remembered for greatness, but the stories of people who had to overcome challenges are always that ones that stay with us much more. Adversity is the only way humans can focus their skills and motivate themselves to become
Many people throughout history have also faced adversity and have been resilient through it. For example, Tyler Perry; he had a terrible childhood, he was physically and sexually abused as a child, kicked out of high school, and tried to commit suicide twice in his lifetime. Still, through all his hardships, he produced and starred in his first theater production, I Know I’ve Been Changed, which failed. Therefore he obtained odd jobs to pay for the production; finally on the seventh run the show broke through. Through all his hardships he never gave up and today has a successful career as a writer, director, and actor. Oprah Winfrey also endured a rough childhood because of sexual abuse, she had a child at fourteen who passed away two weeks after. She continued on to finish high school with honors and get a scholarship for college. She worked her way up from TV anchor to a creator of her own network. Scientist Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with ALS and through his colleague, friends, and family’s support he became a great scientist. Through his perseverance Hawking managed many accomplishments such as his published book on the theories of the Big Bang. Nelson Mandela was also a person with great resilience who dreamed of racial equality and spent 27 years in prison for it.
Hardships are a permanent part of life we will always come across. They can toughen us up to the world we live in.
When people go through something difficult it can change them. Making them who they are, it can change them for the bad or good. Therefore, hardships can greatly influence a person’s life by making them appreciate all the things that make life enjoyable.
The part in life that shapes us as people tends not to be the challenges and hardships that people face but how they choose to go about them. For instance, when people are met with a challenge and they choose to back away from it, they are conditioning themselves to run away from the things they don’t like and therefore developing a personality trait that can be seen as cowardly. On the other hand when someone chooses to face that challenge head on they are building their character to not back down but to push on forward against the tide. Two people with the same event that happened to them in the past could turn out to be incredibly different people based on how they chose to deal with the event; such is the case with Ceecee and her dad Carl in the way they went about dealing with Ceecee’s mom. With the illness plaguing Ceecee’s
If you had different hardships in your life would you be a different person? The answer is most likely yes. A person’s character is based upon the experiences they have been through. “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant,” –Horace. In “And Still We Rise” by Miles Corwin, Corwin shares the lives of inner city kids who still strive to succeed and go to college although the circumstances they are dealt with have told them otherwise. Some of the kids that dealt with bad hands were Toya, Olivia, and Willie. The struggles that they went through are impetuous.
When I think of the word “hardship,” I think of situations of great loss, divorced parents, or extreme poverty. Looking at things from that point of view, I have never experienced a “hardship.” Although, I have not dealt with these types of hardships, I can still think about smaller daily struggles. It is important to remember that different people go through different situations because everyone has a different life and lesson to learn. I may not remember a time someone close to me died or a time when I was hungry, but I remember how hard it was for me to learn, when I was younger.
When people are struck with hardships in life, the way they react reveals their true character. Having a certain mindset can greatly influence how they handle problems, differentiating one person from another. Many can feel discouraged and feel like giving up when they hit a rough patch. In other cases, the will to be in a position better than where they are at the moment gives them the motivation to succeed. Adversity can have a positive effect on the development of an individual's character, providing them with the drive to overcome their current situation.
Many people face challenges and obstacles at a very young age and that can change who they are as they grow up. My grandma faced a very harsh and unfortunate childhood. Her father died when she was 17 and that changed her life and her future. It meant she was given many responsibilities since she was the eldest out of her siblings. She had to do many house chores such as cooking, washing the clothes and dishes and waking up early in the morning to get water from a nearby well every day! This placed a very large obstacle in her life at a very young age. She had to leave school at a very young age because of all the responsibilities she was given and had to overcome these obstacles and face them with great integrity. But due to these obstacles that she has overcome, it has changed who she is now. She struggled in life right from when she was just a little kid. But if she hadn’t overcome these obstacles she wouldn’t have been a very independent woman like she is today. If her father hadn’t died when she was young, she probably would have had a completely different
In life everyone will face some form of hardship. Some people may not go through as many hardships as some others might but we all still have our own personal problems. In my life I have not faced many hardships like some others have which I am very grateful for such things not happening to me. But even though I haven't gone through many hardships I have still had my own fair share of personal hardships. One such hardship I have gone through twice is overcoming the death of a loved one.