Cates’s trial On page 67, Drummond states ““I understand what Bert’s going through. It’s the loneliest feeling in the world - to find yourself standing up when everybody else is sitting down...Walking down an empty street, listening to the sound of your own footsteps.” This quote is saying that it's hard to be the one to stand out in a crowd when everyone is already against you. The author’s lesson is that Cates is very brave to stand in a courtroom and not be afraid to say what you think. This quote is saying that it's hard to be the one to stand out in a crowd when everyone is already against you. The author’s lesson is that Cates is very brave to stand in a courtroom and not be afraid to say what you think. Analogy is used for this quote, …show more content…
They basically have a person that helps the man/woman on trial be found not guilty. She makes money from the tv show and just like lawyers in the book. Drummond was on Cates side and was helping him be found not guilty, like the tv show. Politics also relate to the book because when a politic goes on trial, it is a criminal trial but with political implications. In Cates’s situation, his is not a political trial. I get what Cates going through. It’s the worst feeling you can get - to find yourself standing up when everybody else is sitting down...Walking down an empty street, listening to the sound of your own footsteps. I think this quote is so meaningful because it makes Cates seem brave and it makes him seem less guilty. Drummond seems like a good guy in this because he is relating how he feels to any trial. Daily lifestyle relates to the quote because people stand out in crowds on a daily basis. Whether or not it's a bad or good thing, getting bullied, or having different colored hair then everyone else. It's not a good thing when people get bullied and its not Cates ideal way of being in a courtroom either. Business relates to the quote because Drummond was doing business as being a lawyer and trying to shift power on Cates's side so he would not have to go to jail. In conclusion, it's hard to stand out in a crowd full of people and Cates is very brave to do that. Cates was able to shift the
2 brothers depend on each other for so much but what happens when one brother decides to give up. “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst is a story about 2 brothers that have to work together to accomplish their life goals. Brothers need each other to help one another through hard times A young boy wanted a little brother to play with, but when when his little brother is born with a disability he must find a way to understand his brother won't be “normal”. Brother most of the time didn't like having to drag his brother with his every where he went. because of this he would treat his brother very unfairly.
I am reading the book, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. This book is about a girl named Scout Finch who lives with her brother, Jem, and her father, Atticus, during the Great Depression. They live in a small town called Maycomb, Alabama. Maycomb is a town where everybody knows everybody. There is currently a trial taking place; Mayella vs. Tom Robinson. Tom has been accused of rapeing Mayella. Tom has pleaded not guilty for the crime he has been accused of. In this journal I will be evaluating Tom’s character and questioning why the Ewells may be lying.
Mattie’s red scarf and red ribbon - the color of the scarf and ribbon represent blood, ruddiness, good health, and vitality, all of which Mattie has in abundance, and all of which Zeena lacks. The color red stands out in the white landscape of Starkfield, just as Mattie stands out in Ethan’s life. Red is also the color of transgression and sin - the trademark color of the devil -especially in New England, where in Puritan times adulterers were forced to wear red A’s on their clothes.
Almost all writing is political. It can even come in the form of everyday situations
In chapter ten, Chillingworth ruthlessly attempts to find the root of the Reverend’s condition. One day while they are conversing, Pearl and her mother pass by, Pearl is placing burrs on the scarlet letter of Hester’s bosom when she spots the minister, “She threw one of the prickly burrs at the Rev. Mr. Dimmesdale. The sensitive clergyman shrank, with nervous dread, from the light missile.” (84). Dimmesdale shies away from the burr as if he was shying away from Pearl. I think Pearl is representation of his guilt towards Hester, whenever he looks at Pearl he sees a reflection of sin that he fears. Later that night Dimmesdale falls asleep, but Chillingworth is still curious about the reverend. He sneaks into his room and takes a look at his chest where he has been clutching his heart.
Nearly all writing contains political elements, because an author usually includes the world around them when writing. Authors will embrace society in their writing by showing the political injustices, such as civil rights, power structures, different classes in the society, and many more. When authors bring in what’s going on around them into their writing, they are most likely bringing in political elements as well.
Maycomb County is a small, divided town where, in this story, danger is no stranger. Everyone in Maycomb is faced with personal and difficulties, but everyone perseveres and faces the difficulties with courage. In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout, a young girl grows up in Maycomb County, Alabama during the Great Depression; this town is very divided in many ways and Scout is always finding ways to slip between the dividers. Throughout the story we hear rumors, court trials, and we see children maturing. By the end, we have a deeper understanding of the people in Maycomb County and what they are capable of. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the theme that courage is perseverance can be seen when Scout walks away from a fight, Mrs. Dubose dies free from her morphine addiction, and when Atticus defends an African American man in court.
In the essay, Staples describes how people see him as a threat and how they allow their fear to base their judgements on him that was preconceived by societies teachings. For example, Staples sarcastically writes, “My first victim was a woman…” (542). When first reading this sentence, the audience begins to fear about what they are about and begin to take the place of the soon to be “victim”. But when the reader continues to read deeper into the essay, Brent’s sense of sarcasm and use of hyperbole, becomes clear and the audience is able to understand why he used the previous quote as the beginning of the sentence. Brent is frustrated at how the people in this society judge good people, based on the sole acts of those who do evil. Staples’ use of fear creates the passion in the message by using first person point of view. Staples describes to the audience his childhood and college years by writing, “...I have since buried several, too” and “...I was mistaken for a burglar” (543). The reader can feel Staples’ fear as he is being chased and how he has had to bury family and friends. This becomes powerful in writing and the reader is able to better understand just what it is like for Brent. The audience also gets a feel for how Brent felt being compared to a burglar. Just by including these personal stories and relating it back to himself, Staples gives the audience the capability to better
In the novel, ‘To kill A Mockingbird’ the theme of put yourself in someone’s shoes appears many times. This is important to the book because it shows us that never judge someone without knowing the entire story. The characters put themselves in someone’s else shoes in different ways. Jem begins to understand Mrs. Dubose, Dolphus Raymond not being a drunk, Tom Robinson feeling sorry for Mayella, and Scout seeing Boo’s point of view from his porch.
NO was determined in the form of nitrate according to the method described by Tracey et al(21) . In this study, we have modified the Griess-Illosvoy reagent and used naphthyl ethylene diamine dihydrochloride (0.1% w/v) instead of 5% 1-napthylamine. 3 ml of reaction mixture contained 2ml of liver homogenates and 0.5 ml of phosphate buffer saline and incubated at 25°C for 150 min. A pink colored chromophore was appeared. We took the absorbance of these solutions at 540 nm using the corresponding blank solutions. A standard curve was used to measure NO level and results were expressed in nmol/ml.
On page 51-52, Drummond states “I understand what Bert’s going through. It’s the loneliest feeling in the world - to find yourself standing up when everybody else is sitting down. To have everybody look at you and say “ What’s the matter with him?” I know. I know what it feels like. Walking down an empty street, listening to the sound of your own footsteps.”The quote says that Drummond knows it is very hard and lonely to stand up for something you believe is right when everyone is against you. The author's lesson is that when you stand up alone even though it is hard you have to fight for what you believe is right even if others believe it is wrong. For example, when Cates stood up against the butler law the treated him like a murder and no one would stand with him.The author used Imagery when Drummond said “Walking down an empty street, listening to the sound of your own footsteps.” Which is describing details of the surrounding which makes the reader picture the scene in their mind. Before Drummond was making a joke about how they get so offended when someone calls there bible fake that they “ Call down the wrath of God, Brady, and state legislature on
The novel is so exaggerate but it has much realistic significance. It embodies the dirty thing of the power competition, and it also show people the attraction of the power. Some people's conscience will disappear before the power. And the public won't be interested in the turth, because they are always led by the nose by the gossip. The election is actually a war without flames and smoke, and it may be the most dark one. In the end of the novel, Mark Twain finally gave up. The dark still existed, and may exist
The diversity of culture is an incredible notion. It is unfathomable how the anatomy of the human race is so similar, yet so different in the behaviors and ideas that take place. The two primary cultures I am focusing on throughout this essay are the differentiation between popular culture, and indigenous culture. I will also make the point of folk culture, and how it has slowly transformed itself from its self sufficiency, to relying more on the ways of popular culture.
"Tradition makes the mind a slave - you are no longer an individual, but merely a product” (Bruce Lee). Bruce Lee realizes that instead of thinking themselves, most people are just a product of thousands before. Mindlessly heeding tradition creates the prejudice seen in the fictional town Harper Lee describes in the book To Kill a Mockingbird of Maycomb, Alabama. Set in the Great Depression Era, Scout Finch, the narrator, and her older brother Jem Finch are residents in the Southern town Maycomb. During Scout’s second grade, the town’s white trash, the Ewells, accused Tom Robinson, a black male, of rape. Judge Taylor appoints Atticus Finch, Scout and Jem’s father, to defend Tom Robinson. However, Maycomb was a Southern town, and the story took place during the 1930s. From before the trial to the end, the Finch’s face constant abuse because Atticus took the case, Although evidence pointed differently, the jury of the trial found Tom Robinson guilty and he killed in prison. Throughout the plot of the story, Jem and Scout learn of the heavy prejudice and discrimination present in their hometown. However, the prejudice isn’t caused by nothing. Maycomb’s residents' refusal of letting their traditions go is a major cause of the prejudice, and eventually, discrimination. For one to achieve equality, they must not allow their traditions and expectations define their thoughts, actions, and character.
There will always be that one person that gets hate and one that everybody loves. Living up to other’s expectation is an intricate way to fit in with society. Judgement isn’t the only problem in this generation; judging somebody by their actions and appearances cause people to be outcasted which makes an impact on society. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the narrator, Scout Finch, sums up what has happened in her preteen years, along with her brother, Jem Finch. As they are growing up, they face conflicts throughout their hometown, Maycomb. Maycomb is a small little town in Alabama full of judgemental racist hypocrites. One day, their dad, Atticus Finch, is set off to handle a case about an African American, Tom Robinson, being framed for ‘raping’ a young white girl, Mayella Ewell, daughter in of the lowest families. As a lawyer, Atticus was up with Tom. After losing the case against Mayella’s dad, Bob Ewells, Scout, and Jem have lost their social issues. In a city like Maycomb, residents and citizens are making critiques while being prejudice when it comes to segregation and racism. Furthermore, the novel explains that people like to judge and reject the unfamiliar.