
Cause And Effect On Fast Food

Decent Essays

Fast food may be fast to grab and taste delicious, but some of the ingredients are harmful to the human body. Fast food can also lead to obesity, especially in children. As a result of this parents should want to choose a healthier diet. Thus can lead to a drop in obesity rates. However, Fast Food is not good for you.
In this case, when you are eating fast food, whether it is Mcdonald’s, Wendy’s, Five Guys, Burger King, etc. do you know what you're really eating? Research shows that many items used in fast food can be chemically dangerous. After reading, you may never want to eat fast food again. Fast food may be fast to grab and taste delicious, but some of the ingredients are harmful to the human body. (Greenring, 2014,).
To put it another way, let’s get into what really goes on in fast food. French fries are the most convenient side that tags along with a burger etc. For them to taste so delicious, they can also be very vicious. The large fries at Five Guys are the most unhealthy fries in America. They have nearly 1,500 calories and 71 grams of fat. (Greenring, 2014). For the human body, these amounts of calories would be considered one of the main reasons to cause fat to be produced. Obesity has many long-term conditions, premature death, and illness including, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, fatty liver, arthritis, joint disorders, and some cancers. (Mandal, 2017). There has been an exponential rise of obese individuals especially in developed

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