
Cause Of Stress In School

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Stress is something everyone goes through no matter what age, gender or race you are. Stress is the experience of a perceived threat to one’s mental, physical or spiritual well-being, resulting from a series of physiological responses and adaptations. When people think of stress they think it’s a bad thing which isn’t true, some stress is just your body’s reaction to certain situations. At times it may seem like stress is taking over your body leaving you physically, emotionally and mentally hurt but what you can do is learn how to manage your stress to have a healthier and happy lifestyle. Stress management is learning to deal with your stress and take charge. Everyone has different stress triggers, it can be caused by anything and affects people differently. Stress can be caused from your emotions, thoughts in your head, work, family issues, financial problems and can vary. From the start of the day I can start to feel stress as I get ready for a long day of school and work. The number one cause of my stress is school which a lot of students can also relate. There are several reasons why school is a main stressor for a lot of people. One reason is uncertainty of the future, not knowing what you are planning to do with your life as a career path. It’s a scary and hard decision to make which causes a lot of stress. Other reasons for school being a number one cause of stress is the academic deadlines, work overload, studying and maintaining high standard grades. Being in

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