
Causes And Effects Of Tsunami

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Imagine enjoying a peaceful day on the beach when, suddenly, the ocean recedes leaving a large portion of ordinarily covered shore exposed. Curious children and even adults hurry to look at this rarity. They spend a few minutes admiring the sea shells and ocean creatures that are normally concealed from view by the sea. Suddenly, a wall of water comes rushing back, devouring everything in its path. This scenario depicts the typical sequence of events during a tsunami. On December 26, 2004, this tragedy occurred on the coast of Southeast Asia. This tsunami was spawned by a large underwater earthquake (Larson). Catastrophes like these wreak havoc and devastation upon coastal communities, thus resulting in billions in property damage, which harm the environment and destroy human life. Both earthquakes and tsunamis release unleash powerful forces that have devastating effects on Earth.
Earthquakes are the direct result of an abrupt release of energy beneath Earth’s surface. This discharge of tension is typically caused by the movement of tectonic plates. As plates move past one another, the faults, or boundaries of the plates, come into contact. The rough and often jagged edges of faults cause the plates to generate friction, or “a resistance to the movement that is caused by rough spots on their surfaces catching against each other” (Silverstein et al. 43). The friction between the tectonic plates builds up until it is finally released in the form of seismic waves. There are

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